Is it just me, or did the guy playing Stephen Saunders remind anyone else of Spike (aka James Marsters)? I was genuinely disappointed that he didn't say "bollocks" even once :lol:.

I've got both episodes of the finale on tape. Shall watch one tonight and one on Saturday, then maybe hire the DVDs of the other seasons to catch up on what I missed.

WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD This fall, there'll be a massacre on ''24,'' but it'll take place backstage. According to Variety, executive producer Joel Surnow says that virtually the entire cast, save star Kiefer Sutherland, has been fired. That includes Dennis Haysbert, whose President Palmer will be removed from office. Hail to the new chief, former Sen. John Keeler (Geoff Pierson), last seen blackmailing Palmer at the end of Season 3. Still, Surnow says, Pierson will only be a recurring guest star, not a full-time cast member, in Season 4, which premieres in January. One more spoiler: Sutherland's Agent Jack Bauer will no longer be working for the Counter-Terrorism Unit.

One ''24'' refugee, Reiko Aylesworth, who played Michelle for two seasons, has already landed a new job, in a recurring role as a lab detective on ''CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.'' However, Variety reports, her hiring is unrelated to last week's firings of longtime ''CSI'' supporting cast members George Eads and Jorja Fox.

This is very bad news in my opinion. As much as I dislike the character of Kim (Even though she wasnt bad in this season at all), 24 is just not 24 without her, Michelle, Tony, Palmer, Chase, let alone those who died throughout this season including Nina, Sherry, Chapelle
Yay! Michelle's in CSI :hotjump:.

Just as well too. They need someone hot to replace Sara next season. Jorja Fox and George Eads (Nick) have both been fired by the network for not showing up on set because they wanted more money.

Gee, that's gonna be weird... oh well.

Top stuff, the finale, just got around to watching it this evening. Highly predictable, but still good, and Jack's crying and then composing himself to get back to doing his job was an excellent way to end the show. :rock:
Yeah. Why do you reckon JB was crying?

I think it is because he realised that he should have made the decisions that Tony and Chase made and put his loved ones above the job. He didn't, and that is why his wife is dead?

Just a thought
Yeah, I thought it was probably to do with him wishing he had walked away from the job as Chase was about to do. Especially after him talking about needing to be unattached and stuff. The stress of the day would also fuck with you too though, so yeah, probably a mix of both. Ending with that scene was very cool. I liked how you didn't know if he would go back to work or turn his radio off and go home.

This talk about the next season is weird, but I won't dismiss it right off, it could be awesome.