I've dipped in and out of previous series (or "days") but this one is the first that I've watched regularly. Top stuff!

Now I need to catch up on everything I missed. Why didn't I just watch them while I was taping them for my Mum? :rolleyes:

If you guys like 24, also check out The Edge of Darkness (not the Maiden song, the British miniseries that inspired 24) and Nowhere Man. The latter was one of my fave shows of the early 90s and ran for only 25 episodes, a lot of which were written by Joel Surnow (24's executive producer and co-creator).

Nowhere Man was about Tom Veil, a freelance photographer who saw something he shouldn't have, got it on film and put the results on display at an exhibition. The Powers That Be responded by erasing his existence so that no-one he ever met (including his wife) would help or even recognise him. It was great in an "X-Files meets The Fugitive while ripping off The Prisoner" kind of way, with lots of clever twists.

Also (for those interested) I've just heard that Millennium's coming out on DVD this year :rock:. Normally I wouldn't get my hopes up for an Australian release, but since XF box sets sell well here and both shows were created by the same guy, it looks very promising :).

Wrathchild said:
Nowhere Man was about Tom Veil, a freelance photographer who saw something he shouldn't have, got it on film and put the results on display at an exhibition. The Powers That Be responded by erasing his existence so that no-one he ever met (including his wife) would help or even recognise him. It was great in an "X-Files meets The Fugitive while ripping off The Prisoner" kind of way, with lots of clever twists.
Did he say "I am the cheese" at all?

I would have to say that last nights 24 was one of the greatest episodes in the shows history.

So much went on. When everyone started bleeding from the mouth and nose I was like 'WHOA, shit is going down now!'

And when Michelle shot that dude in the back. Twice.

I don't want ehr to die... She is hot :yell:
I saw Kiefer on Jay Leno, and he said that the next (last) 7 episodes of the series are the greatest and most exciting.

Can't wait.
Shame its now on at 10:30

That was fuckin intense!

I can't believe that happened. My heart was beating hard when he pulled the trigger and then the clock came up with no noise. That was awesome.

"God forgive me!"

Had to feel for Chapelle as well "I dont really have any friends... just the people at work"
Fuckin oath.

From an average start, this has turned into easily my favorite season. It is so fuckin good. I love it how there has only been the one story (to contain the virus).

In previous seasons there have been many sub plots that were dumb. This one rules :rock:
The second season had the dumb sub plot with Kim, and a few other things here and there but I think the first season was brilliant. This season is easily better than the second, but I am not sure about the first, I loved that as well.

I still wonder if they are going to do another season. Keifer has said he doesn't mind if they kill off Jack for the good of the show, but I don't think that would be a good idea. He is the best part.