The 24 thread continues...


Huge cliffhanger and those Fox0rz won't have the show back on until March 30! Oh well, I can wait.
For all you pantywaists complaining about this season... tonite's episode was absolutely fucking brilliant.


Next week's looks insane.

Will Ryan Chappell die?

Looks like Jack is getting ready to put a bullet in his head.

As far as Kim goes... man she looks so hot in the previews for The Girl Next Door. Why does she have to have those terrible bangs on the show?
Holy crap maybe I'll remember to watch this week instead of drinking gin all night like last Tuesday. :loco:

And yes, Elisha Cuthbert (or whatever) looks INCREDIBLE in that new movie, I want to see it just for her and those other two sluts. Here's the one slut's page:
Okay these last two episodes ruled, but... where's Cheri? Did I miss her getting arrested or killed or something?
Okay now it's certain: Cheri is insane, truly delusional. Fuckin' cool.

I won't spoil anything for future DVD watchers, but these last few episodes have been INTENSE. Jack has pulled the craziest stuff he's ever done. No spinny twist neck cracking, but psychologically he's never been meaner. I... I think I may be... in love! :tickled:



20 minutes away from season 4
No cable = me no watchy The Shield, although I'd really like to.

Season 3 ended up better than it started, but I'll be damned if I can remember anything about it just one year later. Oh and I guess it's going to be on Monday nights this year, don't know why they started it on Sunday. Maybe because of.... the Jews...
I shall give 24 a chance for this new season, oh yes. Staying in hotel = lots of tv.

And not to threadjack completely, but you MUST try to watch some of "The Office". Honestly, Adrian (and I use your real name to emphasise the seriousness of this all), you would love it in the gay way smothered in baby oil. Comedy gold from the BBC!
I think me mum has The Office DVD on her Netflix queueueueueue for me, so I will I will!

24 is on again tonight, don't forget to watch! I wasn't blown away last night, but it was still pretty cool. I think I'm gonna root for the bad guys this time though. :tickled:
Jack no longer works for CTU, but like the Corleone in all of us, gets sucked right back in when he happens to be at CTU the day some big shit goes down (he works for the Secretary of Defense now). Shit goes boom, Secretary of Defense and his daughter (Jack's current woman) are both kidnapped, Jack is temporarily reinlisted at CTU, some dude finds some shit on the internet and his office and coworkers are all killed but he escapes only to be picked up by the kidnappers, Jack is currently chasing that guy in LA somewhere.

Oh and there's some case being stolen and delivered by a family of terrorists (that's right, mom dad and teenage son) to some place for reasons unknown. I think they are working on a Pulp Fiction golden case angle for the time being.

Oh yeah you ever check the website? I think it's but whatever it is they always had really good summaries of previous episodes, I used these in case I missed one or two, or forgot something along the way.
Watched this last night....nice to see the show back on track. The first hour was better than the second (robbing the gas station was pretty dumb), but I was on the edge of my seat all the way. Chloe rules!

Best thing ever - no more of Jack's annoying daughter with the blonde hair and black roots and eyebrows.

Notice how the black woman is the bitch again, hehehe.
Yeah last night I thought "wow Kiefer really hates black women!" :tickled:

Hot bitch I want this season: the dark haired chick that works for CTU, Sara I think her name is. It was a toss up between her and the Asian bint from the first hour, but she done got dead already so there's that. If only life were that simple...