The 24 thread continues...

npearce said:
24 is like crack. I don't really want to structure my Tuesday evenings around a TV show, but I just HAVE to. I can't afford to miss it. It would be terrible.

Did you know they are thinking about making a movie based on the TV series?

No I didn't. That could be good or bad..

I hope next season sees more of Tony Almeda in action. The way he drugged Chappelle, he's very much like Jack...

If they do make a movie out of it, maybe my new place of employment, Alamo Drafthouse, will carry it! Hey Dreamlord, if you're out there, have you heard of this place yet? We're at West Oaks Mall, it's a movie theatre with six theaters and a bar. That's right folks, we serve alcohol at our theatre.. no one under 6 allowed in= no crying babies. Anyone under 18 has to come w/ a parent. We also serve kick ass food. Nothing like gettin the munchies, goin to a flick, getting served by a waitress...

Movie going is a whole new experience.
That sounds pretty badass, I've always had to sneak in cheap beer to movie theatres. Canned beer? Bah.

Something tells me el presidente won't die, they just wanted to really freak everyone out to guaranty high ratings for next season's opener. I'm just wondering if next season will start the next day or some months down the road like this season did.

A movie would... no. I like the real-time aspect of the show, and I wouldn't want to sit in a theatre for 24 hours, no matter how hot the waitresses may be. :)
NAD said:
It was worth watching every episode to see Jack kick off the wall, spin around, and break that guy's neck. Badass.

As we were watching it, Haddsie was like..."break his friggin' neck"....and then he did that move and you heard the snap! Pretty cool.

Imagine if the President died after all that business with the 25th amendment, and the Vice President became President (again)!

So Jack and Kate never got it on? All that tension, and no release. Damn! I guess the man does have a heart problem though. :D
[b said:
NAD[/b]].. I'm just wondering if next season will start the next day or some months down the road like this season did.

It looks more likely to start on the same day, this is their Plab B. They wanted to take out the President, but why?

[b said:
npearce[/b]]Did you know they are thinking about making a movie based on the TV series?

It sounds like a great idea, but I think it would be wasted on the big screen. Things like this work better on TV, espcially the whole concept of split screens, that is just great TV...hooks you in.

This Season has just been fantastic...can't wait for season 3.

Chief B
Papa Josh said:
no one under 6 allowed in= no crying babies.

That annoys the shit out of me. Get a fucking baby sitter before bringing the kids to an R rated movie. And the fact that they're allowed in is just stupid.

I want a movie theater like your one to open in my area. We have an old movie theatre in our village, and they've kept it vintage style. They're going to start playing old b&w movies soon too - stuff like King Kong and old Alfred Hitchcock. Extreme retro on a sunday morning - very cool.

Otherwise I'll go to the mall with the stadium seating (yay), and kids chatting on cellphones (boo). Dumb wankfuks.
In Kansas nobody has anything to do, so we have movie theaters all over the place. The newest massive complex in Wichita has upper level balcony seating and nobody under 21 is allowed. They serve food and alcohol. It's more expensive, so I just sit in the normal seats with all the crying babies.
Bump in extreme excitement... I will be video taping next week's season premiere since I'll (hopefully) be lost in the middle of nowhere outside of California with only a CD collection and an open highway in front of me...
NAD said:
Bump in extreme excitement... I will be video taping next week's season premiere since I'll (hopefully) be lost in the middle of nowhere outside of California with only a CD collection and an open highway in front of me...
Shit, that reminds me of two things:

(1) I'll be out of town, so we'll have to download the first episode (since it doesn't start in the UK until a few weeks later.

(2) I need to rip you a Nokturnal Mortem CD for your desert drives.
Jack is on smack!!! o_O

That was a good opening, except for all the fucking love stories! Jack and Kate, Michelle and Tony, Kim and the new dude, blah blah blah. I really hope this season doesn't focus on the lovey dovey crap. :D
I missed the first episode because I was in England...booo!

They're playing the first and second episode back to back tomorrow night....hooray!
The girl and I agree: this season is off to a slow start. You have two shockers at the end of each, but not shocking enough, maybe due to them being too blatant too soon. The seem a little tacked on, like "okay now that you're asleep, here's something shiny and loud!"

I mean, we already know who the bad guy at CTU is and also that Jack will be fighting the need for a fix the whole way now (actually that one did take me by surprise, I hope we see some flashbacks to his days with... whoever that dude in jail is, forgot his name).
At first, I thought Jack might be infected with the virus and that he would have 24 hours to find the antidote, but I guess that story is too unoriginal nowadays. I hope his addiction doesn't take away his edge. I mean, I want to see him quick and sharp, taking out bad guys with his beretta and cutting of the heads of informants (like he did in the first episode of season 2).

Also, don't you think David Palmer is a bit gay now, having become the puppet of his doctor girlfriend and that head teacher from Buffy?
I think Palmer will start kicking ass soon enough, but yeah, a bit gay for now. I don't like his brother.

Oh yeah, and Kim's new haircut fucking blows, she's non-hot now. :mad:
Yes Kim isn't as hot as she was because of the the Hair. One more thing. I'm not sure it's been said yet, but 3 years ago Kim was only a Babysitter and now she is working in CTU, it's pushing it a little I think.
NAD said:
Oh yeah, and Kim's new haircut fucking blows, she's non-hot now. :mad:

She's always been the worst part of the show - just an annoyance. That haircut is ridiculous. What's worse is that her hair gets whiter and her eyebrows get blacker. Like two slugs sitting on her face.
Alright, Palmer's back to kickass status due to his white biotch setting him straight.

Last night was the first episode that I got a little excited over since the heroin bit was introduced, but still, this is shaping up to be my least favorite season thusfar. Just moves a bit too slow for me I guess.

There isn't enough Kimboobage this year.
Agreed - this is becoming my least favourite season, but hopefully things will pick up. I wonder if these are new writers they have, because the story hasn't really gone anywhere at all. Everything to date could have been done in one episode.

The prison break should be good - but can it top the prison break in Natural Born Killers?

Kim and those bangs... :ill:
Okay! I've missed two episodes in a row now, watching the show hasn't even crossed my mind I guess! :erk: