The 24 thread continues...

Dude, I fell asleep in last nights episode. Just nothing is going on in this season. The fact that only the two of us are contributing to this thread probably implies that we're the only bastards trying to watch it...:tickled:
I spent 5 minutes reading the recap on their website for last weeks episode instead of watching it, I may be content finishing out the season in such a manner! :)
You two sound like old twits. :tickled:

I'm digging the latest season, I'm specifically wondering what's up with the virus.. will Jack be the one that's infected? What if they kill Jack and Chase becomes the new lead? Somebody's gotta die.... Tony didn't.

I really can't stand that Chloe chick.

As far as Kim's character, cut her some slack. Since we really have never known much about her character, aside from her always being in the wrong place at the wrong time (last night was just too obvious!!). Perhaps she has always known some of this stuff growing up in the Bower household. You never know...
Papa Josh said:
You two sound like old twits. :tickled:
Listen mate, just because we're the Statler and Waldorf of Royal Carnage...:D


And with regards to Kim, I'll cut her some slack when she removes some clothing articles and does something about those jet black eyebrows.
Those two are not only the greatest Muppets ever, they are the greatest old men ever. When I was growing up watching the Muppet Show I just wanted them to have an hour of those talking shit to everyone.

And yeah, Kim is eye candy, nothing more. So when she fucks up her hair and wears too many clothes this season, her appeal is completely lost!
Personally, I've reacquainted myself with the series The Practice. I used to watch it religiously, then the cast just started to bog down..

Now that half of them were fired and the one and motherfucking only James Spader is on board, the show is on my most watched list again. If you have yet to catch an episode, maybe watch tonight. It should be a good one!
Well, when you drive a 20 year old 4Runner with nodamnbrakes across town, and this latest episode still gets your heart pounding, you know it was a good one.

My videotape ran out at the :56 mark of the hour. I have no idea if they revealed what Tony had to say to Gael. And I have no idea what happened after the plane door opened in Mexico. The tape cut off as the door to the plane was opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus, motherfuck!!!

Somebody fill me in..........
Oh no! You missed the best part!

Episode recap site, but it looks like they don't have this week's up yet. Anyhow, Jack and Salazar exit the plane, Jack lets him go, and Hector runs up to Jack and they embrace like long lost brothers (!). Back at CTU, it is revealed that Gael and Tony have been working to get Jack back undercover with the Salazar bros, so apparently Jack is back to his double-agent status. Can't wait for next week now!
Oh yeah, the season is picking up.

Hey, notice how Kim Bauer looks like Legolas but with shorter hair?

A quick comment on David Palmer's acting...getting a bit cardboard now, isn't it?
OY! Any of you ladies still watching this show? I got sucked back in a few episodes ago, and I'm getting ready for tonight's new one!


EDIT: That has to be the most failed attempt at image placement ever. I'm leaving it as is. :lol:
Wow, that episode kicked ass. Cheri is so god damn evil, I love it. :Smokedev:

I was kinda hoping the mystery baby was the delivery system for the virus though. :loco:
Well unfortunately I missed the big scene last week (Cannibal Corpse and Hypocrisy were worth it though), but I'm going to watch this week's episode!



(I want this dammit)