The 24 thread continues...

Well, except Bitch Wifey's involvement, that was pretty cool. I hope Jack shoots her in the left nostril.
NAD said:
Last night was the first episode that I would call filler. Nothing happened that couldn't have been shown on a 30-second preview!!!

Even the previews are getting deceptive. I think they're beginning to show scenes in clips that you may still not see in the next episode.

I'm telling you, it's all going to happen in the last episode now. The last episode could be the best one of the series.
I have to say that 24 is my favourite TV series to date. When I was out in Thailand the only way I could get hold of series 2 was to simply download courtesy of Kazaa, what a life saver !!

But anyway, I have to say that last nights episode just drove me nuts. Nothing was resolved and I was just screaming at the TV set for them to get to the point of the chip. That whole thing about some nerd from CalTec who encrypted the chip was just annoying. That episode was so bad that after it ended, I had to have a cigarette with no fucking beer !!

If Jack and Kate are gonna have a grope and a snog let them do it, don't fucking interrupt it with a god damn phone annoying !!

There are only 3 episodes left and they cannot for the love of God hope to resolve everything in the last hour..and if they do it will be a cliff hanger so we all have to wait for season 3.

Season 1 was just absolutely fantastic writing, season 2 is very good but has some dodgy writing in parts, like that whole crappy story line of Kim Bauer...and what the hell are the police doing taking her back to the home of the suspected killer? Lets just see her get her Baps (Tits) out for the lads :tickled:
OK ok ok....

First up, Palmer's ex-wife, Sherry, is a bitch. She needs to be shot - but I like the fact that she was stabbed in the gut. Nice, slow, bleeding. And I love her begging look for help at Jack just before he turns his back and goes after the hacker.

Again, Kim running into the guy at his house at the exact same time is just ludicrous, although I am glad she shot him. Had she not shot him, I would have shut the tv off. Her wimpy cries as she pulls the trigger are too lame considering who he is and what he's put her through.

Also, Sherry 'getting back' at the President because he dumped her ass is so dumb but true. Women will go to any lengths to right a wrong, even if they are married to the president. Well, all except Hilary Clinton. She probably watches home videos of Slick Bill and Monica going at it like beached whales.

But I digress.....glad that 24 was back on track. It was a good episode indeed.
Nice. :lol:

Yes, that was a good episode.

Kim kicks ass, I like her for the first time ever now. Well, I like more than just her boobs I should say.

So are there two episodes left, or just one? They said "next week's 24" and not "the final episode" so I guess two are left. Jack's gonna cap the vice president and then rip out his heart with his teeth and claim Ruler of All, it's gonna be kickass.
NAD said:
Kim kicks ass, I like her for the first time ever now. Well, I like more than just her boobs I should say.

Yeah but she needs to be dressed in some black PVC or leather or something. Who the hell decided that putting her in a white woolly polo-neck sweater would be a good idea?

Obviously not a bloke.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah but she needs to be dressed in some black PVC or leather or something. Who the hell decided that putting her in a white woolly polo-neck sweater would be a good idea?

Obviously not a bloke.

Actually her dress fits her character perfectly... she's not a woman who would be confident enough to wear such outfits, at least, not on this show.
Papa Josh said:
Actually her dress fits her character perfectly... she's not a woman who would be confident enough to wear such outfits, at least, not on this show.

What the heck are you talking about? Her character is a waste of space, so the point is, she should do nothing but run around in lingerie looking to get impregnated.
OK predictions for tonight (and I've seen the trailer):

Sherry dies from blood loss *wishful thinking*
Jack chases hacker on to roof and shoots him in the arm or leg, then drags his ass to CTU
Lynn awakes from her semi-coma but there isn't much for her to contribute now I guess
Kim gets chased by a wild monkey with ebola
Cary eats the floater in the torture comode
My predictions couldn't possibly top those. Except that I think the monkey will strip away Kim's clothes, which due to being too intense for an American audience, will have to be shown in slow motion.

You really want Cary face first in the crapper, don't you? :lol:

Actually I predict that tonight's show will be the real cliffhanger, something really bad is going to happen like Jack's wife will turn up alive as the main conspirator or something. They'll want everyone to watch next week so there will be a third season.
NAD said:
My predictions couldn't possibly top those. Except that I think the monkey will strip away Kim's clothes, which due to being too intense for an American audience, will have to be shown in slow motion.

They'll have to blur it out too, you know, in case the American public find out that women have nipples.

You really want Cary face first in the crapper, don't you? :lol:

I admit that after tonight, with the absolute c*nt that she is, there is something quite sexy about her. She would be ruthless in the sack. Biting and everything. Dirty ho.

Actually I predict that tonight's show will be the real cliffhanger, something really bad is going to happen like Jack's wife will turn up alive as the main conspirator or something. They'll want everyone to watch next week so there will be a third season.

I have to say that tonights episode was THE most irritating piece of television I have ever seen.

On top of the hacker splatting his head open and dying, the helicopter flying away was just too much.

And now Jack has a heart condition....? Guess who's going to die this season.
npearce said:
I think David Palmer is going to get a hold of a machine gun and go to town on the cabinet.
You ever see that Simpsons where Mel Gibson does a remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? Classic. :lol:

Last night's episode sucked. I truly cannot stand Cary, but I would definitely give her the wheelbarrow treatment. :Spin:
It was worth watching every episode to see Jack kick off the wall, spin around, and break that guy's neck. Badass.

Yeah that was a great ending, I figured that season #3 would get tied in to the last 5 minutes.

That BITCH!!! That was the lesbian desert biker bitch from one of the original episodes, wasn't it? WHORE.
24 is like crack. I don't really want to structure my Tuesday evenings around a TV show, but I just HAVE to. I can't afford to miss it. It would be terrible.

Did you know they are thinking about making a movie based on the TV series?