The 24 thread continues...

Kate Warner on the front cover of FHM...

OK I'm up to speed now with all the episodes I missed. I tell you what, it's so much more stressful watching it on tape when you have one episode after the next.

That torture scene was pretty horrific. The sub-plot where the rednecks steal the chip is just fucking annoying!! I hope Jack shoots them all in the head.

And the vice president is a wanker. David Palmer better wise up - he's too isolated not knowing how all these cabinet ministers can get together without his knowing...
That torture scene was pretty horrific. The sub-plot where the rednecks steal the chip is just fucking annoying!! I hope Jack shoots them all in the head.
Yes, YES!!! I yelled at the TV at that point I think. "SHOOT THEM!!! FUCK 'EM YOU ALREADY KILLED LIKE 90 OTHER PEOPLE TODAY!!!"
You know shit like that was going on in Cleveland after 9/11? People were just going around beating up arabs and their like. This meant a few Mexicans got rounded up too - you know, because they looked 'foreign'.

Anyway, Jack better get the chip, shoot the mullet heads, and finally get a quick shag in with Kate Warner since they're at her house anyways, and you know she's up for it. The president can wait.
Yes, I remember some darker skinned people getting persecuted shortly after 9/11. In once case a guy killed a Hindu Indian, due to "his rage from 9/11." He got the death penalty (or maybe life sentence?), well deserved.

Yeah her and Jack should BANG BANG BANG after they get the chip. She's the type of girl that would say "ohh... I've never done something like this before." Slut...BONG. :lol:
NAD said:
Yeah her and Jack should BANG BANG BANG after they get the chip. She's the type of girl that would say "ohh... I've never done something like this before." Slut...BONG.

hehehe....she's definitely a pillow biter.

Maxim need to do a spread on "Girls of 24" or something.
So far Kim and Kate have been in Maxim, separate issues though, no lesbianic pajama party stuff. I always thought Kim was just cute and nothing more, until I saw her in Maxim, wow she's HOT.
OK predictions for tonight:

Jack retrieves the chip and manages to get back to CTU to prove the tape was a fake.

The President wises up and calls for the arrest of the Vice President in the charge of treason...maybe?

The rest of the series is trying to figure out who plotted out the whole scheme. What involvement do you think the Presidents ex-wife has in all this?
Papa Josh said:
I want to know what happens to Lynn, she's one sexy assistant to the President! Fuck Mike...

Yeah but what's up with that fucking wart on her chin?

Who is Kim going to shoot?

Hopefully herself.

And when are Tony and Sara gonna bang and get it over with.

Once she gets her brother sorted out no doubt...she's all fragile right now. Otherwise I think she'd be an animal in the sack.

Finally, someone needs to shove that Cary bitch's head in the toilet.

It'll be Sara's brother. Cary deserves it big time, and he'll make sure to leave a floater in the comode before shoving her head down it.
Lynn is way hot, growth or not. I hope she's okay.

I want Kim to shoot her own shirt off, YEAH!

Sara wants Tony more than ever. Wait... who's Sara? Her name's Michelle! :D

JayKeeley said:
It'll be Sara's brother. Cary deserves it big time, and he'll make sure to leave a floater in the comode before shoving her head down it.
Best. Torture. Ever.

I'm guessing the chip will get back after Jack shoots those redneck fucks in their faces and gives Kate a quick shag (chicks dig violence), then at the very end when the chip proves the recording was faked President Palmer will get arrested and the vice president will give the order to proceed with the attack. Cue 4 screen thingy with everything getting fucked like they do at xx:59:30 in every episode.
NAD said:
Sara wants Tony more than ever. Wait... who's Sara? Her name's Michelle! :D

Yeah, Michelle Dessler.

I have no idea who "Sara" is...I slipped into Papa Josh's yellow submarine world for an instant. :D

Jack and Kate will definitely make time for a booty call. Nukes or no nukes.
"You know baby, we're just gonna die anyhow, and afterall, I DID save the world today... well, I postponed its doom for a few hours anyway."
I thought last night was a bit of a let down. The trial of David Palmer was just infuriating - as if the President would allow that treason to occur. Regardless of how they voted, he should ask for all of his cabinet to resign just because they called for a 'trial'.

And this microchip with the evidence is becoming frustrating. I have a feeling now that nothing is going be resolved until the very last episode....
True, true, but somewhat however.

His cabinet met to discuss the matter, so they weren't all in agreement to axe him. It did piss me off though. I've been in a similar situation. Everything you did looks bad . . . but at the time it was all necessary.

From the looks of this thread, 24 doesn't have enough bare titties, sex, and poop.
npearce said:
True, true, but somewhat however.

His cabinet met to discuss the matter, so they weren't all in agreement to axe him. It did piss me off though. I've been in a similar situation. Everything you did looks bad . . . but at the time it was all necessary.

24 is getting to the point where I find myself shouting at the tv screen! It's so frustrating. It's like a videogame that keeps sending you back to the beginning each time you die.

I thought the cabinet having a meeting to discuss matter behind the Presidents back was way out of order. Although the VP set it up, they should have all backed off until Palmer was invited.

From the looks of this thread, 24 doesn't have enough bare titties, sex, and poop.

The same can apply to life in general. Except the poop part. Unless it's in the comode where Cary's head is being flushed.
Titties own, anything and everything increases in coolness whenever it has more titties.

Last night was the first episode that I would call filler. Nothing happened that couldn't have been shown on a 30-second preview!!!