The 24 thread continues...

It was alright, sorta one of those "yeah okay, nothing really happened" ones they always have. Except the dude killing himself, pretty cool.

I really really really want to bang the Bad Muslim Momma, whoa man is she hot.
One Inch Man said:
It was alright, sorta one of those "yeah okay, nothing really happened" ones they always have. Except the dude killing himself, pretty cool.
That's true. "Allah hu akbar!" he drives head on into that truck. Do you think the trucker had insurance?

I really really really want to bang the Bad Muslim Momma, whoa man is she hot.
She's an oscar nominee/winner....she was in "House of Sand and Fog", one of the most depressing books/movies ever.
Yeah, momz said "you should watch House of Sand and Fog, she's in that playing a similar role." I said "okay." So soon, I'm going to "watch it."
Awwwwwwwwww sheeeeit! Okay the first 12 minutes just totally kicked my dick in. Even with the do-nothing episode last week, overall this season has a lot of momentum. Hopefully that'll stay. :kickass:
I yelled out "IT'S TONY!!!" :kickass:

When all else fails, just go for the nuclear angle, because that shit is still scary. Yeah this season totally rocks, I hope they keep it up.
I caught the first hour of the upcoming season of 24 on It was top notch like every other season opener they had. Just hope they can hold it together for 24 episodes. Last season was atrocious come the midway point.
Episode 2 kicked my dick in!!! JACK IS BACK!!!

Jason scroll all the way to the bottom. Ep 1 is the three links that are simply titled.

Part 1 (fixed)
Part 2 (fixed)
Part 3 (fixed)
Episode 2 kicked my dick in!!! JACK IS BACK!!!

Jason scroll all the way to the bottom. Ep 1 is the three links that are simply titled.

Part 1 (fixed)
Part 2 (fixed)
Part 3 (fixed)

Gotcha - when I first did that it opened with something that looked like a continuation of an earlier episode so I was afraid to go any further. It makes sense though, since it has the most views of any of the ones listed there.
I've seen the first 4 episodes of season 6 and I'm so disappointed. The dialogue is shit. There's so much action and violence that it loses it's impact. All the characters are 0.2 dimensional. :mad:
I've seen the first 4 episodes of season 6 and I'm so disappointed. The dialogue is shit. There's so much action and violence that it loses it's impact. All the characters are 0.2 dimensional. :mad:

This show has never been about dialogue. There's plenty of other shows that do that far better. You watch 24 for non-stop action, nothing more. :kickass:

P.S Did I mention, Jack is BACK!!!!??!?!!!! :kickass: