Dead_Lioness said:
Sorry I'm late with this, but basically I lost the first one I typed, and I hate re-typing :mad:

but here it is:


A very silly episode, even for 24. First, CTU figures out that Miles, who seems to get gayer by the hour,
must have zapped the I - Pod implicating Logan with his super pocket electromagnet with flashing lights.
They are P.O'd at him, but they can't do much about it besides complain because Miles has been 'transfered
to the White House'. I'm not sure if this is the LA White House or the horse farm near LA.
BTW I've spent lots of time in and around LA, and I don't recall seeing very many VIrginia- style farms with stables and horses like the LA White House.

All of Bierko's crew were killed off a few hours ago, but no worries. Just like Henderson,
he always has another well trained, well armed crew ready to jump in and do terrorism in a few minutes notice, and guess what, these guys have one last canister of Centox.
They were just driving around with it in a Jeep with the whole city on lockdown.

Hooray for the Centox come back!

Back at CTU, they come up with a brilliant idea, immunity for Robocop if he helps them out.
Actually its not immunity, Robocop wants to disappear because he is afraid that the Blue Tooth crew will kill him if he becomes a free man,
and guess what, Robocop knows just the guy to help them out.
His name is Joshua Molina and he's a young rich dude who lives in a mansion.
He's pals with Bierko. Robocop brags that his computers are way better than CTU's, they even have "Phoenix Shield" which Chloe says
can wipe out his hard drives in seconds of you look at them the wrong way. Robocop tells Jack
that Molina is too tough to be broken, which is hard to believe because the guy looks like Ricky Martin.

Robocop seems to try to double cross Jack, but then fast talks his way out of trouble when Jack catches him.

Meanwhile, back at the LA White house, Logan decides that Pierce, who we thought was already dead, needs to go,
but the First Lady shows up and shoots an evil Secret Service dude, rescuing Pierce.
Good work, especially considering that she has been popping pills and downed at least 2 bottles of red wine
in the past 2 hours. When I drink that much wine, it makes me go night-night.

Now get this. There just happens to be a Russian Sub docked in LA.
It is commanded by a US Navy crew, because of some goodwill US / Russia BS.
Now sorry for focusing on geeky military issues, but anyone who has ever even watched Star Trek should know enough about the military that:

1 - A "Lieutenant" is too low of a rank to be a ship commander.
2 - The "Lieutenant" actually has a gold maple insignia and is therefore a Lieutenant Commander.
LC's are always addressed as Commander, never Lieutenant , but hey....
3 - I know military folks like to get up early, but a full up ship inspection at 4:30 AM?

Bierko rolls up on the sub which is under no security whatsoever and Centoxes the crew to death.
He commandeers the ship wearing gas masks.
His new crew, which was at best his C or D team, know perfectly well how to control the ships weapons and they train them on downtown LA.
There are apparently no nukes to which I say, why not?
I guess the fact that only conventional weapons are on board (which can only take out a city block or two) makes the whole thing more believable.

Lets hope they can do better for the finale next week.
I am thinking that the Bluetooth crew might return as bad guys again next year.

Lioness out.

This is probably the FUNNIEST recap by the Dead_Lioness!!! :lol:
umm i was almost done with the 24 fifth edition, but it doesnt really complete, i mean how does it end? they dont show the president geting in trouble and all, just want to check if i got the rite cds and all
as i have surfed this site, it seems that u watch 24 with full attention, and so do i,umm the reason im talking to u is cuz i got the fifth season edition and i only got to the till the 20th hour, and im sure there is more to it,although i got the complete fifth season DVD pack,and its got 5 dvds, am i still missing another 4 hours? do u get what im trying to say? the place where i live no one watchs 24 or atleast not that i know of,so im kindly asking u for help so i can get the 6th cd. i appreciate u helping me,just reply here and at the title u can write to ABM and i'll know that message is for me,thanks......