Sentient 6 said:
I was fucking screaming at the tv "shoooooooot the bastard"
i think everyone was haha. jack was like "we need him alive!" but didnt they figure out he's not gonna talk? oh well. Audrey "couldnt do it" but if some lunatic had snipers trained on my daddy his fuckin brains would be splattered all over me. im a peaceful guy but you cant let someone do that. especially if i was a gov agent and knew id get away with it.
Sentient 6 said:
You think Heller really is stilll alive?? When Robocop was telling Audrey "Your Father is drowning and you're doing nothing" she shoud have capped his ass.....I was fucking screaming at the tv "shoooooooot the bastard"
Ha! Yanno I kinda half expect Heller to come crawling out of that lake a la Swamp Thing and return to whoop some Robocop ass! It wouldn't surprise me, stranger things have happened. And I already explained to you that she wasn't gonna shoot Robocop because Jacky boy told her not to and she's P-whipped.
Sentient 6 said:
Yeah that part was great, all in all one of the best episodes of the season IMO!

It was like the good ol' 24 days, wasn't it?
great episode.
Can't believe we are down to only 5 more hours...
what the heck am I going to do on Mondays at 9pm?!?!

Logan is going to die such a slow death,... I can smell it.
Dead_Lioness said:
It was like the good ol' 24 days, wasn't it?
great episode.
Can't believe we are down to only 5 more hours...
what the heck am I going to do on Mondays at 9pm?!?!

Logan is going to die such a slow death,... I can smell it.

yes he shall....or we can hope....
yeah it was like the good old days of 24, I'm glad to say this is one addiction I have that probably won't kill me...hahahttp://ultimatemetal.com/forum/images/smilies/headbob.gif
And again this week, best part of the show was Martha chasing down her antidepressants with wine. Oh, and Chloe tazering that skeevy dude in the bar... I should start carrying one of those in my purse.
I leave here for a long time and come back to a 12 page thread on my favorite show. Hmm.. cool.

Here's a somewhat random list of thoughts:
1. I can't believe no one has mentioned how that asshole Logan looks like a modern Richard Nixon.
2. What the hell happend to Aaron Pierce?
3. I want one of those little tasers that Chloe is using on the drunk guy. (That thing would be a lot of fun.)
4. About damn time Jack hijacked a plane.
5. Deadgar. (hehe)
6. Can we get a Kim spinoff about her days as a porn star? We know it happened. (See The Girl Next Door for further evidence)
7. Bets on who offs Logan? Anyone? Right now I'm leaning towards the First Lady.
8. Stupid fat hobbit, stab his eyeses out. We wants the precious. Nerve gases workses toos, doesn't they precious?

I was thinking the other day about who to pass the show off to on the occasion Jack is no longer a main character. Since they killed off the obvious choice of Tony, I'd have to say that, assuming they last the next few seasons, Curtis and Buchanan would be great for Jack's successors.

Oh, and Warrel, any possibility of a Nevermore version of the show's main theme as a kind of bonus track on the next album? Damn, that could kick some serious ass.
Hour 20 *sniff sniff* :cry:

Hour 20 was about 40 minutes of excitement stretched out to fill 60 minutes.
The scenes with the First Lady flipping out and Mike trying to get to the
bottom of things dragged on far too long. However it was pretty funny seeing
her get wasted on red wine and anti-pscychotic sleeping pills.

Jack phones Chloe from the cargo hold on the plane. Jack's phone is even
greater than I thought it was before. He is able to talk to Chloe from 7
miles up on an international flight out of LA, that was quite likely over
the Pacific Ocean. Also, he is basically inside a metal tube, but that presents
no problem at all.
Martha Stewart tips off Bill that the homeland boys are
on their way over to bust up his satellite intel office, but Chloe bravely
hangs out till the last minute, communicating with Jack over a "dry
channel". She lets him know that the air marshall is seated in 12-A, and
that his name is Bruce Avilla.
Have you noticed the black Homeland security guy at Buchanen's house??
He's Curtis #2.

Jack climbs up from the cargo hold into the back area of the plane, that
place where the flight attendants sit around gossiping when they are
supposed to be bringing you another round of drinks.
Nobody notices when Jack walks down the aisle, sits down next to the air marshall, knocks him out with one punch, and takes his gun, grabs another passenger who is supposed to have the I-pod, and sneaks him back down into the cargo hold.
The only thing I find completely unrealistic about this whole flight though,
is that there was no crying baby on board. That doesn't make sense.

CTU/Homeland shows up at Buchanan's pad and arrests him and brings him back to headquarters. When he sees Miles, he calls him a "little ass kisser". We couldn't believe he said that on network TV, so we DVR'd it several times.
Buchanan is sent to detention. Miles figures out that Martha Stewart is not
cooperating with the president and tries to get Mike Novick to help him out,
but in a rare setback for the bad guys, Mike refuses.

Chloe takes about 2 minutes to find a cheesy hotel bar, complete with a
lounge piano player, where she sets up her laptop and hacks into CTU again.
Let me remind you, its 2:30am in LA and there is a curfew going on.
When do they close the bars in LA anyways?
This fat drunk dude comes up to Cloe to hit on her and Chloe tasers him,
knocking him out cold. She continues to work intel for Jack with the dude's
head right next to her laptop. She figures out that Jack nabbed the wrong
guy, and that the real bad guy is the copilot. The drunk guy wakes up and
Chloe tasers him again.
I love how cloe talks to people when she is annoyed with them, it is possibly one of the best characters to come out of 24.

By this time, the air martial has awakened and Jack is locked into the cargo
hold. The captain decompresses the cargo hold, but Jack cuts through the
ceiling and finds the cables that steer the plane and takes control! BRILLIANT!
The captain lets Jack out, and he eventually gets into the cabin and secures the I-pod. The evil co-pilot doesn't put up much of a fight.
In fact.... he is the only terrorist who wasn't willing to die for the cause!
Does anyone even remember Hour 1+2 when the russian terrorists bombed themselves in the airport? Or Ivan killing himself in the motor shop?
How little they knew!

The Blue Tooth bad guy (from Big Tobasco?) orders president Logan like a 5 years old... He tells him to shoot down the plane, and next week we see Jack outmanuvering US Navy fighter jets in his 727. Can't wait!

By the way, have you noticed how there are so many hot sauces out there,
but you can never find them, yet Tabasco is everywhere?????
maybe thats the big conspiracy!!!

Lioness, Out.
Just a couple of comments:

The show is about 40 minutes anyway, what with commercials and such.

The flight was to Frankfurt, so they weren't over the Pacific.
Tiff said:
Ha! Yanno I kinda half expect Heller to come crawling out of that lake a la Swamp Thing and return to whoop some Robocop ass! It wouldn't surprise me, stranger things have happened.
Sensitive Sicilian woman indeed...I'm starting to scare myself with my clairvoyance.

And again the best part this week: the Logans and the bluetooth crew busting out with their secret stashes of brandy.
I've seen the show but I rarely watch T.V.

Sometimes I'll go on a binge like when my neighbors are out of town (all of the time since they have a condo in Hawaii and Bill is a pilot), I'll go next door and keep the cat company, since I watch their house when they're gone. Bill picked up every season of The Sopranos last time he was in Hong Kong so I've been watching those quite a bit. I don't know, I've always been a fan of shows and movies to do with the Mafia. Maybe it's because I'm Italian and my family has a Mafia history (typical Italian stereotype).

*Cough* Anyways, T.V. blows. Except South Park and Family Guy....and The Sopranos, of course.

NP: Nevermore - Believe in Nothing