Vic Rattlehead said:

Drunk Jack wrecked a Christmas tree, what a hardcore fucker!

Don't fuck with Jack, the media is his power slave.

...they misspelled his name? LOL.
Souls of Black said:
One other observation, when Jack and Tupac go to get the bank VP, Jack notices that there is an alarm and produces a magnetic device to overcome it, just happened to have one of those in his pocket, or maybe his batbelt.

Yea, I noticed that too. I always have one of those handy. Dosen't everyone. :Smug:
I really enjoy 24. I watched it from the first season (downloaded) until I caught up with last years season.

One thing I have to say though is, so far, each season has a lot of similar plot elements. It seems to go like this:

1. Some insidious terrorist plot is discovered.
2. Jack Bauer goes after the bad guys.
3. Bauer loses CTU as an asset either by being declared some sort of rogue or criminal, or whatever, and he's on the run from CTU, and still trying to save the world.
4. CTU is compromised in one way or another (by an enemy mole agent, bad management, whatever).
5. Jack receives clandestine help from CTU agents who always come "this close" to being caught helping Jack.
6. Jack manages to save the world again, despite all the overwhelming odds against him.

That or a small variation of that has been every 24 season so far. But it's still an awesome show! It's really odd. It's full of hackneyed plot elements, ridiculously improbable events, and the typical hollywood "bad science/technology" stuff that makes any tech-head cringe (you know, throw out a bunch of tech buzzwords that make no sense to make it sound "techy"). And yet I still love the show.

I think Nena was one of my favorite characters in the show. I hated her, but she was just sooo evil. And hot too :).

I think one of the more funny blooper-ish moments in the show was when Elisha Cuthbert had a few scenes with close ups, and she had HUGE zits on her chin. Then next scene, they're gone. :lol:

BTW, to all your "I don't watch TV 'cause I'm superior" types, just get over yourself and get down off your high horse. TV is just another form of entertainment. There are tons of great TV shows on right now, although most of them seem to be on HBO and Showtime. Sopranos, Deadwood, Huff, etc. Then there are shows like The Shield, Rescue Me and a few other FX shows I'm probably forgetting. I'm also a big fan of Battlestar Galactica (anyone old enough to remember the original when it was on TV ?) and the Stargate shows. Good stuff.

I'm just glad I have a TiVo so I can catch all these shows on my own schedule (and fast forward past commercials) :p .
Papa Josh said:
I love this fucking show. Cracks me up that idiots like Rush Limbaugh talk about this show on their talk show as fans, but don't seem to realize the mirrored truths that are often in the plot, directed at the current administration. :heh:
Yeh. This is the first season so far that I've noticed a bit of left wingish political stuff creeping into the plot. The whole "Bush was really behind 9/11" conspiracy fantasy seems to be rearing its head.

Actually in previous seasons I sort of remember smelling a bit of right wingish stuff in the plot. Can't remember details though. Sort of "politicians getting in the way of fighting the terrorists" thing if I recall.

Kind of suprising though, since it seems to basically be illegal to be anything but a ultra left winger in Hollywood. At least outwardly. I've always suspected that many of the Hollywood types have more moderate views than the obligatory ones, but must hide them to survive.
Sutherland Plays Drinking Game with ‘24’ Fans

By WENN| Sunday, April 09, 2006

HOLLYWOOD - Kiefer Sutherland is making students sick after learning of a college drinking game related to his hit show 24.

Students must take a shot of a chosen tipple every time Sutherland's character Jack Bauer says, 'Damn it!' and when the actor heard about the game, he decided to play along.

He reveals he started saying the soft curse phrase as many times as he could--including three times in succession.

Sutherland explains
, "Boom, boom, boom, and that was just one scene. By the end (of the episode) there had to be 14 'Damn its.'

"I could just see all these college kids going, 'Oh f**k!'"

Here it is. Hour 18.
Actually, a good episode!

Jack & Tupac have the tape, but Jack is worried that Tupac will be a target
for the bad guys, so he ditches him with Buchanan who has just been fired
from CTU by Martha Stewart.
It would have been a better idea to drop him of in Compton where he could have teamed up with Dr. Dre and Ice Cube and
formed a gangsta commando team to help Jack take the country back.

Audrey meets her dad, Defense Secretary Heller at the airport and Jack rolls
up minutes later in an LAPD cruiser.
They step into a hanger where Jack plays the tape for Heller.
Note that Heller's service guys have no problem
letting Heller wander off with Jack, even though he is a known fugitive and
is wanted for murder. Heller says he suspected that Logan was bad news all
Heller gives the tape (actually some sort of I-Pod-ish thing) to one
of his secret service dudes. Heller leaves, then comes back seconds later,
cold cocks Jack and brings him into custody. Keep in mind that this is the
first guy who has been able to take Jack in a fight all year, an overweight
man who appears to be around 70 years of age. Obviously Heller must be both highly trained AND highly skilled!!!

He has his men tie up Jack and his own daughter with plastic hand cuffs.
Remember last year when he tortured his own son? This dude is one mean dad.

Chloe is sent to detention for helping Audrey, but she escapes by
pickpocketing Miles's passkey. She runs into Sherry Rosenberg in the hall
and they snip at each other.

24 Lioness fact:
Kate Mara -the actress who plays Sherry is a decendent of both
former longtime New York Giants owner Wellington Mara AND Former longtime
Pittsburg Steelers owner Art Rooney. I never knew that those two were
married. I also never knew that Sherry is a distant relative of my
buddy Billy who joined us for the 24 party at my house.

Mike Novick, VP Heller and first lady are suspicious.
President Logan now openly refers to the LA White House as 'my home'.
yet all the cellphose numbers of the pres-crew start with 202 which is the
area code for DC.
We learn that this whole plot is about securing the oil supplies in Central Asia so that we don't have to pay 10 a gallon for gas in the US.
It is good to know that Logan cares so much about the American People!

First Lady hits on Pierce again, and they arange to meet down by the 'South
Stable' . When she gets there, his phone is laying on the ground by the
barn, but Pierce is nowhere to be seen. Old Aaron could be toast.

Jack escapes by holding his handcuffs next to a hot water pipe and melting
them. I guess it makes sense that hot water that are 60 degrees running in a metal pipe will eventually heat it up so much to a 100 degrees Celzius, to melt a thick plastic hand cuffs.
He then finds a collection of wire cutters right next to Audrey. How
convenient! He cuts Audrey free.

Robocop shows up in a helicoptor! Jack and the SS guy with the I-Pod pick
off all of the bad guys except Robocop.
Robocop captures Audrey, slits one of her arteries and threatens to let her die unless Jack gives up the I-Pod.
He ends up giving up the I-Pod and ties off Audrey's arm to stop the
bleeding, saving her.
In next week's scenes, we see Audrey using this same arm to hold a gun.

Heller shows up at the LA White House and demands that Logan resign. He's
just about to do that, when Robocop calls in, says he has the I-Pod, and everything is cool!
Logan changes his mind and has Heller arrested.
You can tell the VP is very confused!

Anyone else refer to President Logan as 'Bush' or 'Bushie-Boy' when discussing 24 with other people? For some reason I seem to do that a lot....
Hour 19:
what a great episode!!!!!

So.... Jack hangs up the phone on Heller, because he is still bitter that he got his butt whipped by a 70 year old man.
He even tells him that his daughter
Audrey is 'fine' even though she has a severed artery in her arm.

Chloe escapes CTU and goes over to Buchanan's hip bachelor pad.
Tupac was supposed to be at Buchanan's also, but he seems to have rolled out.
He should have just hung out and put on a Mobb Deep CD because Chloe and
Buchanon turn his pad into a kick ass mini CTU operations center, complete
with real-time Satelllite imagery up on Buchanan's 56 inch plasma TV.

Chloe tracks down Robocop with the satellites and Jack and Audrey chase him down, taking turns at 80 mph with no lights on.
Did you know that all you need to track down people at 24 is a laptop ???
hey, I have a lap top. Maybe I can track down tour buses, and where there are avilable cabs in my area.

Robocop says he's stashed the I-Pod implicating Logan and that he has a
helicopter (how many choppers does this dude have?) trailling secretary
When Heller finds out that the guy in the chopper has a gun trained
on him, he drives off a cliff into a lake just like that scene at the end of
Thelma and Louise. I think that Rebel without a Cause may have ended in the
same way, with the car crash that took the life of James Dean, but that was
before my time.
Also, it looks like Heller may have survived. After all,
this is the only guy who can take Jack in a straight up fight, so lets hope
he's still alive.

A new higher layer of bad guys is introduced, these dudes must be really
high up, because they all sit around a room wearing identical cell phone
earpieces that look like Star Trek Borg style implants, and their leader is
this bald white dude who talks down to President Logan like he is a little
boy .
The number 2 guy is this really grumpy looking black guy who seems to
be irritated with everyone, including the big boss, because the bad guy plan
has not gone down without a hitch. Who are these guys? I guess they could be from Big Oil, or maybe the actual Borg themselves. Maybe some of them work for Big Tobacco, or maybe even Big Tabasco.

A side note: you think the bad black guy is related to Palmer or Tupac?
after all, he is black.

Chloe figures out which bad guy has the I-Pod, and Jack runs off to catch
him, leaving Audrey to guard Robocop. Robocop's guys show up to rescue him,
and they start chasing down Audrey, but Curtis shows up to save the day.

Miles finally figures out that Chloe has taken over the CTU 'subnet' when he
'machine codes a matrix'. My friend John, who watches 24 with us actually studied machine code in school in school. Apparetly: It is
very low level software consisting of very elemetary computer operations. he
had to write a program that did nothing but multiply 2 numbers, and it was
like 180 lines of code. I wonder how many it would take to code up a matrix.

Logan has his wife locked up, again, then basically tells her the whole
story. She is pretty ticked, but at least he leaves her in a room with a
nice bottle of red wine.

The dude with the I-pod gets on a plane, but Jack sneaks onto the airport by
riding in on top of a tanker truck, then sneaks into the cargo hold of the
plane before it takes off. Next week, it looks like Jack hijacks the plane.
That is going to be fantastic, because
until this day.... Jack Bauer has never hijacked a plane before!!!!!!!
This is the best show ever. Audrey should have capped Robocop. Just blasted him in the face. Notice when the military where looking around the tanker with mirrors that Jack was on that they looked underneath but not on top. Now thats being thorough.
Dead_Lioness said:
Logan has his wife locked up, again, then basically tells her the whole
story. She is pretty ticked, but at least he leaves her in a room with a
nice bottle of red wine.
haha the best part was Mrs. Logan hittin' the sauce in the split screen.
Tiff said:
haha the best part was Mrs. Logan hittin' the sauce in the split screen.

Yeah that part was great, all in all one of the best episodes of the season IMO! You think Heller really is stilll alive?? When Robocop was telling Audrey "Your Father is drowning and you're doing nothing" she shoud have capped his ass.....I was fucking screaming at the tv "shoooooooot the bastard"
Sentient 6 said:
Yeah that part was great, all in all one of the best episodes of the season IMO! You think Heller really is stilll alive?? When Robocop was telling Audrey "Your Father is drowning and you're doing nothing" she shoud have capped his ass.....I was fucking screaming at the tv "shoooooooot the bastard"

I love it when you scream baby.