Souls of Black said:
Holy shit, this new analyist...Dammit why don't we have these type of Analyist's in real life... She is just smoking!!!!!!
better not talk that way about her, lest you get slapped with a sexual harassment suit :Smug:

Haha yeah Karen, it's the soul patch in full effect
Tiff said:
better not talk that way about her, lest you get slapped with a sexual harassment suit :Smug:

She is a little harsh..with the touching. Hmm. She needs a friend, yes, to listen, understand.....undo pants, umm, I mean listen, understand.....:worship:
Hour 15

We start of with Audrey being taken into detention after being accused of
selling secrets to the terrorists. Martha Stewart (who we learn goes by the
sinister name "Karen" ) wants to sick CTU torture specialist Burke on her,
but Jack talks her out of it.
Chloe finds out that Audrey had a fling with traitor Walt Cummings and Jack gets upset and does that thing where he rubs
his eyebrows like he is trying to wake up.

Some new CTU chick shows up to replace Edgar. I think her name is Sherry
Rosenburg. NO ONE can replace Edgar.
The new Homeland guy (Martha Stewart's right hand man) doesn't
like her very much. Rosenburg says its because she placed sexual harrassment charges against him at a previous job. The homeland guy chews Chloe out because she innacuratly analyzed a matrix. What the hell does that mean?

The "curfew" doesn't seem to be working too well. Can you imagine sitting up
at your favorite bar and someone tells you to leave because of a
I would have a harder time jacking a 4 year old kids tricycle than
Bierko and his boys did jacking an LAPD cruiser.
Anyone who has ever played Grand Theft Auto knows, jacking an LAPD cruiser is extremely difficult.
Also cops check in with their dispatchers all the time so it
would not take long for the police to figure out that there was a problem
with one of their units, but who cares?

Bierko uses the cruiser to provide a police escort of the Centox nerve gas
truck down to a natural gas distribution plant.

BTW I am being ripped off. I found several other sites that refer to the 24
characters as "Robocop", "the Hobbit" and "Martha Stewart". I guess can't
count the last one because "Karen" actually is being played by Martha
Stewart who is really playing herself.

Jack rather disturbingly throws Audrey against the wall and threatens to
choke her for sleeping with that scumbag Cummings in an out-of the way hotel in Pennsylvania.
Her excuse is that Cummings had just separated from his
wife, but Cummings wife was on the show a few weeks ago and didn't mention anything about being separated.

It is revealed that Robocop is behind the attack on Wayne "Tupac" Palmer.
Very impressive that he can coordinate such an assault inside the
presidential compound from his cell phone just an hour after escaping from
CTU all drugged out.
Tupac hooks up with Pierce, and the bad guys catch up with them and
they engage in a gunfight. Pierce and Palmer escape after Palmer takes a
bullet, but as we see in the scenes for next week, Palmer quickly recovers
from the gunshot wounds, just like the real Tupac would.

Jack is convinced that Audrey is innocent and he tries to stop Burke from
torturing her, but Burke and the guards (these new guys who wear gray shirts and seem more compentant than the Christmas guards)
knock Jack out with an electrical shocker and take his gun.
Fortunately Jack doesn't get sent to
detention by Martha-Carmela Soprano for trying to forcibly override her torture orders, and we see him walking around CTU just moments later.

Bierko takes over the natural gas plant and shoots a few people. He tells
the engineers to depressurize the gas to 50 %.

Jack goes to Collette's detention cell and knocks her guard out cold with
one punch. Collette confesses right away that Audrey is innocent and Robocop was behind setting her up. Collette is quite a wimp compared to the great 24 bad girls of the past like Nina, Sherry Palmer and Mandy.

Sherry Rosenberg remembers from college chemistry that nerve gas goes inert under high pressure. I took a year of Chemistry in pre-college and never learned this. Maybe it was taught in Organic Chemistry. Anybody out there took that?

Chloe ID's the plant with the Centox and Jack and Curtis are on their way.

Jack blows up the plant to keep the Centox from escaping and the last thing
we see is Jack and Bierko fighting in a car as it is engulfed by flames.

At this point, the terrorists have lost their main weapon and we still have
9 hours to go. There will need to be another major plot thread to get us to
the end. Not sure what it will be at this point. Expect that Jack is OK and
Bierko either escaped, or he will be brought into CTU where he will get some
sort of immunity deal.
Don't count out the return of the Chinese and there sinister ambassador Wang Chung. He waited on me and my friend Colin just a few days
ago up at Hunan #1 in Down Town Arlington.
We split and order of Kung Pao Chicken and fried dumplings and I also had some hot and sour soup and a Tsing Tao beer.
Aside from Kim's non-stop perils in Season 2, this Season is easily the most over the top in terms of believability and deaths. My belief is that this is a transitional season and the writers are setting up what will be a radical reformation of the show's format come Season 6. I'll wait until it all plays out to find out - but yeah, if the format of next season's show stays the same, then this Season will have the least amount of merit for me as well.