yeh i that dude has the best job in the world, too bad now he's gonna get into big truoble for giving up his chick and not getting the list. oh well. and i laughed so hard when chloe dumped hot coffee all over that homeland security asshole. what a prick.
Hour 14

Yet another sinister 24 chick is introduced. Her name is "Collete Stenger"
and she is an "intelligence broker". She's got info for the terrorist boss
whose name is Vladamir Bierko, a guy who is supposed to be from "Central
Asia" and talks as though he's never been more than 10 miles outside of
London. Collete has some info for Bierko. She also has a boyfriend. I
recognized right away him as Barry Gibb, the former Bee Gees lead singer.
No wait, its really Dezmond from Lost ("aye, too bad brotherrrr")

President Logan who has taken every great advice that has been given to him in the past 10 hours, has orders the Army to implement a curfew, even though its 8 PM in LA and many folks are already out for the night.
Pierce, the trusty secret service agent gets a call from Wayne Palmer, the (adopted?) brother of the former president.
I finally figured out who Palmer is. He's Tupac Shakur,
the rapper who was shot several times and supposedly killed, but went on to
release several best selling records and appear in film roles after his
"death". Its good to see Tupac again!

Jack and Curtis try to move in and bust Collete, but they end up catching up
with Barry Gibb /Dezmond instead. Barry reveals that he is a German intel officer on the trail of Bierko, and starts trying to give orders to Jack and Curtis, while on US Soil!
How come nobody has said "on US Soil" in over two
Curtis seems to have forgiven Jack for hitting him in the jaw and
choking him into unconciousness few hours ago, even though Jack never appologized.

Jack makes a deal with Gibb, sell out his spy girfriend for NSA's top secret
list of terrorists. I'm not sure why a list of terrorists would be so
secret, but Jack has Chloe hack into NSA's computers and send the list to
Jack's super phone which takes about 10 seconds (including the hacking). Martha Stewart that looks like Carmela Soprano from certain angles, director of homeland security has taken over at CTU.

Jack catches up with Collete and gives Barry Gibb his intel on a palm pilot.
Jack looks like he's about to torture Collette, but she says she doesn't
know much, and will give up what little she knows for the usual 'signed
letter of immunity from the President'.

Barry Gibb calls his boss at German Intel, but as soon as he gets his boss
on the phone, his palm pilot explodes because Jack rigged it with an
explosive chip. Gibb is furious and Jack cracks a smile for the first time
in the history of 24!
A great quote: "I'll help you with your mission after all this mess will be over, I give you my word" and Dezmond said: "I already had your word, and we know what its worth"

-A thought: How come within 14 hours everybody is trying to get Buchanon's job?

Tupac is stopped by army guards on his way to meet Pierce, but they end up
letting him through. Soon after wards, he is assaulted by a milatary
vehicle. Unlike us, the guys in the Humvee don't know that its impossible to
kill Tupac.
They run Tupac's car off the road , and he lands right next to a *how convinient*very well lit, very clean looking sewage tunnel and escapes!

In the final shocker Collete tells Jack that Audrey is hey source, and working for the terrorists!

Verdict...24 is back on track!
Your latest installment made me laugh so hard my boss came over and asked what was up. Hard to mask my enjoyment and laughter.

Keep up the good work!! :kickass: :kickass:

Heh, Barry f'ing Gibb....:lol:
Carmela Soprano...
All of these spot on brilliant.
Tempest said:
anyone watch the shield last night?
I'm 99% sure Season 5 of The Shield has been better than 24's current season. By a long shot.

Jesus Christ, what a show.
neal said:
im 99% sure you 24 haters can fuck off to another thread.
