Jack popping Robocop's wife in the leg was probably the best TV moment ever (or at least since Jack had to cut Chappelle's head off a couple seasons ago).
I knew Lyn' Access card was gonna come back somehow....totally should have been deactivated once he was put in holding....what a prick he was in last weeks eps....Sad Edgar dies working at CTU and his mom died prieviously with the Nuclear Reactor meltdown storyline...See what happens to loyal employees??

Another thought...but fucking goddamn writers of the show..Chloe COULD have said to Edgar on the com "get out the building now there is Nerve Gas filling the place" Then he wouldn't have"walked/trotted" back to the main room to die....but then I remember CTU was on lockdown.

He is the 3rd crucial reoccuring character to go this season.

"Lyn's sister and b-freind execution was some cold blooded shit but thats what killers do...heartless. I thought scumbag boyfriend was in on in deeper.

Here's a question: what is going to come from Aaron the Secret Service guy and his knowledge about the attack? No way he keeps that to himself.?!?!

Also why wasnt Curtis wearing fucking gloves running out of the hospital with..NERVE GAS!!?!??!? C'mon now...I suspend enough belief as it is....
Hour 11- 12

Tony wakes up from 'critical' and summons Bill Buchanan, he does not know
that his wife Michelle is dead yet, but when he asks about her, Buchanan
just says 'she'll be fine'. Bill says she had to go to some other hospital
because her injuries were too serious to treat in the CTU clinic.
That’s odd because I was under the impression that there are no other hospitles in the whole great L.A area BUT the CTU clinic.
Fans of Bill should visit his wikipedia web page.


Jack shows up at Robocop's house and sneaks in, he orders Mrs. Robocop to
get her husbands PC at gunpoint. Jack doesn't seem to like the lady too

Tony takes the bandages off his face, and we then learn that
All his critical condition sums up to be few
Blood sprinkles on his cheek. Ton sneaks over to a terminal. When he
keys in Michelle's name, the computer screen starts to flash "Deceased!!!!"
over and over again in big red letters.
Of course, that makes perfectly sense, since all network government computers
Flash with red DECEASED when someone dies.

Pres Logan summons a new character, the VP. The dude is just dying to
institute martial law in LA. If we thought Logan has no spine,
We then learn that America in 24 has no good leaders but Palmer.
Logan of course agrees with the idea of Martial Law.
Even Mike realizes that this is a stupid idea.

Mrs. Logan is upset that her husband left her to die in the ambush, so she
tries to get back at him by attempting to seduce Aaron Pierce, the trusty
secret service agent. Mike Novick walks in on them before anything happens.

We check in on Rudy's sister Aimee Mann who is with her boyfriend in a hotel
room. Boy can this dude party. He's using Rudy's pass key to cut up lines of
coke and pounding bottle after bottle of Budweiser. Budweiser must be
another paying 24 advertiser, much like Apple/Macintosh and Chevrolet.
He's agreed to sell the passkey to the terrorists for 20 grand.
It is later revealed that the dude's name is "Duane Tompkins", yet another great 24

Chloe figures out that the terrorists have targeted a hospital and Curtis
rolls out with his crew. For some reason Curtis always looks fashionable but
his team is forced to wear these really dorky paramilitary uniforms. Chloe
and Edgar also use the "face identifier" to ID the terrorist as Victor
Gregoran. Victor finds a huge air intake with a big ol' fan in which to
place the cannister.

Robocop shows up and Jack makes him sit on the couch with his wife. When
Robocop refuses to cooperate with Jack, he shoots Mrs. Robocop in the leg!
I told you he didn't like her too much!
That was one of the best 24 moments btw!
Way cooler than the time Jack tortured Paul, Audrey’s husband, in front of her with
A bucket of water, and two wires.
Jack has them both sent to CTU.

Chloe constantly has this look on her face like she has really bad gas, and
I'm not talking about Centox.

Terrorist shows up and kills Aimee Mann and her f'd up boyfriend Duane
Tompkins rather than give them any cash. Bastards.

Curtis finds the cannister in the Hospital and secures it as the timer ticks down to 0.

Kimmy shows up for the first time in years. She has a boyfriend who is at
least 45-50 years old. Predictably, she acts like a bitch when she finds out
that her dad is still alive. Jack still looks too young to be Kim's dad. I
checked on IMDB and Keifer Sutherland and the Elisha Cuthbert, the actress
who plays Kim are about 15 years apart in age.
(and yes she is gorgeous!)

The terrorist who has Rudy's passkey has his software guy morph the image of
Rudy into his own face. Funny, because here I am thinking…
If he could “reprogram the key in 5 minutes”
Why didn’t he just mame one??
The Christmas guards bring their security practice
to a new low when they let the terrorist roll right in with a cannister of
nerve gas!!!
Its also funny that there is only one dude sitting in a little receptionist counter
at the entrance of CTU. I once visited my friend who works for Macy’s:
And they had 3 guards!

CTU doses up Robocop with some sort of truth serum, but he refuses to come
clean. Robocop is tough, much tougher than last years CTU agent who threw
Jack under the bus at the first sign of pressure from the Chinese (who
should be showing up anytime now).

The terrorist finds another HUGE airduct in which to place the nerve gas. He
has no trouble finding it, even though is is in a supposedly secret
facility. Finally CTU catches on to them and the Christmas guards come after
him. All of the guards are these scrawny white dudes who don't even look
qualified to work security at Fair Oaks Mall. The terrorist has no trouble
with them as he picks them off like balloons. At one point, he looks at one
of the dead guards and seems to contemplate changing into his Christmas
uniform, but then decides he would look way too dumb, and keeps his regualar
clothes. Finally Jack shows up to kill the dude, but he's too late to stop
the Centox.

CTU goes onto lockdown and Jack, Bill, Kimmy, Audrey, Chloe, the boyfriend
and a few others make it into an airtight room. Sadly, our friend Edgar, all
450 pounds of him doesn't make it. It reminds me of the scene in Star Trek 4
where Spock died behind the glass as he said goodbye to Kirk with the Vulcan
'live lng and prosper' sign Fortunately, Spock was able to come back to
life, and we only hope that Edgar will do the same.
On a more serious note: killing Edgar was one of the saddest moments of 24,
It got me completely sad towards the end, and all I could say,
Was many things the writers didn’t know about their moms.
R.I.P Edgar :(
DJWill_TheVault said:
Another thought...but fucking goddamn writers of the show..Chloe COULD have said to Edgar on the com "get out the building now there is Nerve Gas filling the place" Then he wouldn't have"walked/trotted" back to the main room to die....but then I remember CTU was on lockdown.

LOL - Chloe DID say that to Edgar on the phone when he was in one of the backrooms checking on Carrie.
Pretty much a filler episode, obviously intended to save a few bucks as
almost all of the 'action' occurs at CTU which is in lockdown after having
been nerve gassed.

Chloe is too upset about the death of Edgar to help her trapped colleagues,
we later learn that she is even more upset that her hookup with Spencer was
just a fling. Where's Spencer anyway? I don't remember them letting him out
of detention, although the way security runs at CTU, he probably just walked

When Jack yelling at Chloe fails to get her to help out, Kimmy's boyfriend
volunteers that he is a clinical psycologist and says he can help her by
getting her to breath slowly. As if we didn't hate this dick enough already!

The shrink doesn't help much, but when Kimmy and Audrey start snipping at
each other, Chloe decides she can't take it and gets back to work.

Chloe figures out right away that the Centox is eating though the protective
seals and they will be dead in 30 minutes. Curtis tells Jack that CTU's
field team can't make it in time to help. Keep in mind that it takes the
terrorists only 10 minutes to deploy an well armed attack team anywhere in
LA, but CTU can't even get anyone to help out at their own headquarters in
30 minutes.

The president sends in a team from "Homeland Security" to CTU. Their job
will be to undermine field operations and the jobs of anyone who survives at
CTU. The new boss is a blonde woman whom I believe to be Martha Stewart.

Chloe figures out that some computer in some room is running some program
that prevents them from running their Centox flush system, capable of
returing the air to safely breathable condition in just a few minutes. Jack
holds his breath and runs through the contamintated area holding his breath.
I tried holding my breath on my couch as long as Jack did, but I was
unsuccessful. Jack makes sure to bitch slap Kimmy's pathetic boyfriend
before he does this.

Kimmy and Chloe have this little bonding moment and Kimmy asks about her old boyfriend Chase.
Come to think of it Kevin Dillon was the only cool guy she ever hung out with.

Jack can't get to the computer because it is protected by bars.
He makes a plan to send Rudy on a suicide mission to disable the computer. For some reason there are no bars between detention and the computer. Rudy and his Christmas guard succeed in their mission,
but succumb to the gas afterward.
CTU is decontaminated within minutes.
Meanwhile Logan is engaged in another pointless convesation with his wife and Mike.

Robocop is so drugged up that he doesn't even know his name, but he still
isn't cooperating. He goes into "nervous system failure" and Tony decides to
inject him with a lethal dose as revenge for the death of Michelle.
Suddenly, Robocop recovers, sticks Tony with the syrenge and escapes! Our
friend Tony dies in Jacks arms, yet another main character gone! Lets all
raise a Guiness to the memory of this fine fellow this St. Patrick's
day.....:cry: :cry:

Wow, I have to say, I did not see that one coming.....

Tiff, I agree, wow is she hot.....what a job that must be!

DL, cannot wait to hear your summary. Lots of fodder this week. :headbang: