Tiff said:

Hahaha, stunning.
Sentient 6 said:
place your bets, will the first lady die next Monday? I'm voting yes, mainly because she's my favorite character this season and the writers are bastards

I'm going with no, they'll kill off Palmer's old secret service guy instead to be bigger bastards.
Hour 9

(best episode so far!)

The terrorists, always happy to kill themselves, have left Jack & CTU with
no leads.

We meet a new character, the terrorist boss of Ivan Erwich. Is he Russian?
No. Is he Arabic? Of course not.
He's from England & he is pissed that Ivan's crew only were able to kill 20 people in the mall, so he stabs Ivan to death with a knife.

One of the key terrorist guys, a dude named James Nathanson , which we've only seen his face with a blue TV screen light, calls in to
Audrey and asks to get transferred to Jack which is accomplished by pressing
a single button. (just like anything in CTU) He and Jack plan to meet at, you guessed it, an abandoned warehouse in LA!

The British terrorist calls into 'pres' Logan and tells him that he will spare
US citizens from a nerve gas attack if the president will give him the route
for the motorcade of Russian president Yuri Suvarov so that he can
assassinate him. After convening with Mike, President Logan decides that
this is a good idea.

Len, aka Sam, aka Rudy calls into his sister Aimee Mann who looks even more
cracked out than the last episode. Her boyfriend (who looks a very stoned
cross between Jack White and this bartender I know) has Rudy's wallet including his 'passkey', but he doesn't want to give Rudy his passkey back.

Q - What happened to Audrey's gay brother?

Rudy goes on a rampage, even ordering the Christmas guards to put Buchannon in detention. He orders Curtis to bring back Jack. After Curtis, in an emotional moment tells Jack that he should work things out with Audrey, Jack hits Curtis in the jaw,
then puts him into a chokehold until he passes out. Jack makes it look
particularly easy, even though Curtis outweighs Jack by at least 60 pounds
and is also the toughest guy at CTU. (and well trained!)

Jack shows up at the warehouse and goes to a phone booth where there is a
special cell phone stashed away. Cool!
Soon after, the terrorists show up in 2 helicoptors and begin to chase Nathanson. Jack gets Nathanson out of
trouble by telling him exactly which hallways and stairwells to take to
avoid the terrorists, even though Jack has never even seen the warehouse
before. Nathanson does a good job and he and Jack gun down most of the bad
guys. There are more on the way in the second chopper, but Jack shoots it
out of the sky with his 9. Not even Rambo ever did anything quite like that!!!

Despite putting up a good fight, Nathanson takes a bullet and as he is
dying, he gives Jack a special chip with information which Jack inserts into
a special slot on his cell phone. We learn why Jack's phone is so great. Its
a Macintosh!
Jack, Audrey & Chloe arrange to upload data from the chip to

The First Lady who has gone from being insane to the only sane person at the White House, which is still outside of Los Angeles, in just 2 hours, hops
into Suvarov's limo with Aaron Pierce.
(and btw, I like her too!)

The episode ends with the Russian Terrorist from England using a fat red
magic marker to mark the route of the motorcade with a huge red 'X' with a
circle around it on a map of greater southern California. I think it would
have been more dramatic if he's just stuck to a single slash through the
circle, the universal 'Ghostbusters' symbol that means that anything inside
the red circle "sucks'"

Episode Grade


Nahhh.... it gets a 10!!!
The Shield > 24

(User has never seen any episodes of 24 and is makeing this statement based on the fact The Shield kicks serious ass alone.)
Dead_Lioness said:
Hour 9

(best episode so far!)

The terrorists, always happy to kill themselves, have left Jack & CTU with
no leads.

We meet a new character, the terrorist boss of Ivan Erwich. Is he Russian?
No. Is he Arabic? Of course not.
He's from England & he is pissed that Ivan's crew only were able to kill 20 people in the mall, so he stabs Ivan to death with a knife.

One of the key terrorist guys, a dude named James Nathanson , which we've only seen his face with a blue TV screen light, calls in to
Audrey and asks to get transferred to Jack which is accomplished by pressing
a single button. (just like anything in CTU) He and Jack plan to meet at, you guessed it, an abandoned warehouse in LA!

The British terrorist calls into 'pres' Logan and tells him that he will spare
US citizens from a nerve gas attack if the president will give him the route
for the motorcade of Russian president Yuri Suvarov so that he can
assassinate him. After convening with Mike, President Logan decides that
this is a good idea.

Len, aka Sam, aka Rudy calls into his sister Aimee Mann who looks even more
cracked out than the last episode. Her boyfriend (who looks a very stoned
cross between Jack White and this bartender I know) has Rudy's wallet including his 'passkey', but he doesn't want to give Rudy his passkey back.

Q - What happened to Audrey's gay brother?

Rudy goes on a rampage, even ordering the Christmas guards to put Buchannon in detention. He orders Curtis to bring back Jack. After Curtis, in an emotional moment tells Jack that he should work things out with Audrey, Jack hits Curtis in the jaw,
then puts him into a chokehold until he passes out. Jack makes it look
particularly easy, even though Curtis outweighs Jack by at least 60 pounds
and is also the toughest guy at CTU. (and well trained!)

Jack shows up at the warehouse and goes to a phone booth where there is a
special cell phone stashed away. Cool!
Soon after, the terrorists show up in 2 helicoptors and begin to chase Nathanson. Jack gets Nathanson out of
trouble by telling him exactly which hallways and stairwells to take to
avoid the terrorists, even though Jack has never even seen the warehouse
before. Nathanson does a good job and he and Jack gun down most of the bad
guys. There are more on the way in the second chopper, but Jack shoots it
out of the sky with his 9. Not even Rambo ever did anything quite like that!!!

Despite putting up a good fight, Nathanson takes a bullet and as he is
dying, he gives Jack a special chip with information which Jack inserts into
a special slot on his cell phone. We learn why Jack's phone is so great. Its
a Macintosh!
Jack, Audrey & Chloe arrange to upload data from the chip to

The First Lady who has gone from being insane to the only sane person at the White House, which is still outside of Los Angeles, in just 2 hours, hops
into Suvarov's limo with Aaron Pierce.
(and btw, I like her too!)

The episode ends with the Russian Terrorist from England using a fat red
magic marker to mark the route of the motorcade with a huge red 'X' with a
circle around it on a map of greater southern California. I think it would
have been more dramatic if he's just stuck to a single slash through the
circle, the universal 'Ghostbusters' symbol that means that anything inside
the red circle "sucks'"

Episode Grade


Nahhh.... it gets a 10!!!
Hey Lion-grrl did you notice Nina Myers in the new mac commercial? She's in the spacesuit at the end, the one that Kiefer does the voice over ....
Man, poor Jack Bauer, once again he saves the world then " Get his ass back to CTU right now!!!! "

If I were jack I'd march back to CTU and punch Rudy/Samwise Gamgee right in the face.

oh and kick this new president in the nuts.
its also interesting that such a weak and clueless president would only have 1 advisor and his crazy ass wife to help him figure out what to do. even G Dubya would have more than that. oh well, another action packed episode with important people gettin iced. this show rules!
Sentient 6 said:
Hey Lion-grrl did you notice Nina Myers in the new mac commercial? She's in the spacesuit at the end, the one that Kiefer does the voice over ....

NO! I haven't seen this commercial... I tend to fast forward commercials ever since I got Tivo...
I'll try to check it out though....
President Logan found out that his wife is with the Suvarovs and will be driving through the red 'X' with them.

Rudy continues to go berserk, demanding that all computer screens be
'mirrored' to his PC. It appears as though there are at least 20 analysts
at CTU, but Rudy is somehow able to monitor all of them carefully AND
monitor everything going on on the OPS floor AND show up at a desk in 2
seconds when he sees a conversation he doesn't like the looks of.

Jack and Chloe follow up on a lead about a dude who used to work at CTU.
Turns out he lost his job because an investigation by Jack revealed improper
things going on. Now he works at an engineering company that does work for
the DOD. As any 24 watcher knows, infiltrating a private engineering firm is
EXTREMELY difficult, even for Jack. Its not like infiltration a top secret
govenment installation (like CTU for example) which is easy.

Pres' Logan, think letting his wife dying with the Russians is a great idea. He asks Mike to get on his knees and pray with him. Mike looks
extremely uncomfortable.

Chloe hooks up Jack with a phony clearance cert and alias, "Johnny Baily" or "Bear" .
Its always good to have an alias that sounds as much like your real name as
possible. Recall that last year's bad guy Habib Marwan went by "Harris
Barnes". When I go on assingment, I often use the name "Lauren Reshed".

Jack shows up at the contractor and the receptionist checks him in with a
fingerprint reader. Whenever I go on assignment, they never check my
fingerprints, but they do check to see if I am carrying a cell phone or a
handgun. A photo of "Johnny Baily" wearing a suit pops up. Jack never looks
quite right in a suit and this should have tipped the receptionist off right
away. Audrey calls the receptionist pretending to be in 'Accounting' and has
the receptionist leave her desk right away. We all know, that if there's a problem with accounting, its the hottie reciptionish they're looking for.

Chloe tells Rudy that 'NSA Chatter' has revealed a plot to kill Suvarov.
What is this 'NSA Chatter', terrorists talking on cell phones and IM'ing
each other? Good thing Bush (or was it Logan or Palmer?) lets NSA monitor
chatter in the US.

Audrey convinces Curtis that Rudy has gone off the deep end. He has a face
of with Rudy who summons the Christmas guards, but the guards side with
Curtis. Rudy is sent to detention and Buchanon is released and takes charge.
Detention at CTU is sort of like high school detention in that you never
have to stay there for too long.

When Jack goes to see his old colleague, the dude is hiding behind a door
and he stuns Jack with an electircal shocker like the Clash City Rockers,
and takes his gun. The dude is Pete Weller, AKA 'Robocop'. He starts whining
that Jack ruined his career, even though he is a senior vice president and
has an 10000 square foot office, a hot recieptionist, and great wheels. Robocop says he is did not give nerve gas
to the terrorits, then gets upset when Jack yells at him and gives Jack's 9
back to him.

Buchanon alerts the Secret Service that Suvarov is about to be attacked. The LAPD show up for the first time in five years, and the terrorists, who have managed to set up an operation in downtown LA on rooftops with full up milatary weaponry in less than 30 minutes after drawing the 'X', take out a few cops on motorcycles.
The motorcade is stopped, but the terrorists still
score a direct hit on the limo with a rocket!
Despite this, nobody is hurt except for Pierce who looks a little tired and has some ashes on his face.
They could have done more damage if they had simply thrown rocks at the
limo, or maybe used a bottle rocket or two.

Jack demands access to Robocop's computers and he grants this then steps
out. Jack soon learns that he has been locked into a room with a time bomb,
and that Robocop wanted to make sure that CTU did not have enough dirt on
him to incriminate him. I guess he was planning to tell CTU that Jack
accidentally got blown up in his lab.

Jack puts the time bomb next to the door and hides under the floor panels. I
worked in a lab with floor panels once and I can say that this was a trully
great idea!The bomb blows the door open and Jack escapes.

Pierce calls Mike to let him know about the attack, Mike only asks about Mrs.Logan and didnt even care about the Russians, yet he hangs up the phone and tells the president that the Russians are all shaken up.

Tune in next week for a two hour special, the return of Kimmy!