Tiff said:
Ok, this is really immature, but during that first segment I had to keep stifling giggles everytime someone said "Cummings" ...heehee...Cummings.
Oh and I love the "subtle" allusions to the Bush administration with all the WMD talk.

heeheeheeheehee :loco:
I must be maturing (dammit) I didn't think of that till you mentioned it :)

Yeah, that was pretty subtle WMD talk ;)

I swear I held my breath till the episode ended... at least I know that Jack is a super-hero and that he will never die :D
Hour 6.... oh boy oh boy!

In an uncharacteristically sappy moment, Jack tells his girlfriend that he
is still in love with Audrey. Of course she already knew that,
since Audrey needed to interview her and they both had a "are you involved with jack" "its not of your business" The OC moment.

Audrey is wandering around doing nothing again, wearing these HUGE eyeglasses. We later learn why.

Question: where is her dad, the secretary of Defence, the only man in the world who can grow a 3 days beard within 3 hours of his kidnap last year?

In a variation of the 'if you love somebody, set them free' theme, Jack's
girlfriend, whose son is the lead singer for Silverchair ("yoooouuu wait til tomorrow" ,
tells Audrey if you DON'T love somebody set them free, and Audrey dramatically takes off her eyeglasses.
I have let many guys go free over the years, and I am still
waiting for one of them to come back to me.

Mike Novick shows the pres a terrorisit video of some dude dying after being
exposed to nerve gas. President Logan has maybe his best flip-out yet! Fans
of Mike should check out his page on Wikipedia.


Jack, who has the worlds greatest cell phone, with the world greatest contact numbers, sends a text message to Mike that they need to talk.
They talk & arrange to meet at a 'grassy area' near the presidential compound.
The president of the US lives in Washington DC,
yet for some reason, Logan has his whole operation set up near Los Angeles,
in a post-modern little house.

Buchanon gives his boss 'Rudy' a stirring speech in which he claims that it
is often neccessary to disobey direct orders from your superiors, *especially* the president of the United States.
Even though he gives no explanation or justification, Rudy agrees!

Cummings, the evil chief of staff has Jack's conversation with Mike
downloaded to his Macintosh laptop in less then 5 minutes!
Thats amazing, because when Mike said he needs to "return an important phone call to the state department" Cummings was already one step ahead.
(Did everyone notice he has a Mac?)

The first lady escaped last week with the help of her super good-looking asian assistant, but this week she is found hiding in a horse stable by Aaron
Pierce, the trusty secret service guy. No explanation as to why she is
hiding in a horse stable or how Pierce found her.
She is again ordered to be re-institutionalized.

A new bad guy is introduced, the evil truck driver from unspecified
breakaway Russian state. (Cause all the middle eastern terrorists are already filming something else)

Realizing that Jack is on the way, Cummings confesses his role in working
with the terrorists to the president in private and says that it was
necessary for the good of the country. The president agrees (!!!) because he looks like he is afraid that Cummings might slap him or something

Jack sneaks onto the presidential compound near LA. Does the secret service
find him? No!! He finds them, or at least one of them, his old pal Pierce.
Convinces Pierce that Cummings is the bad guy leading up to the

"Mr. President, my name is Jack Bauer....."

Jack forces confession out of Cummings by threatening to guage his eyes out
with a knife in front of the President.
(I still remember the classic moment when he tortured Audrey's husband with wires and water HAHA!)

President apologizes to his wife for not trusting her, but she tells him to screw off.

In one of the greatest moments in the history of television, Fox News leads
off with the 24 ticker (doot....deet...doot....deet) 24-style 4 quadrant
split with 4 actual news stories in each quadrant including an Al Quaeda
terrorist and a videotape of an actual hostage!!!!
i can't believe that guy gave the mechanic his word, and then shot him anyway!

j/k ;) ;) I'll forget the atty general's name for them... then it won't be valid. :p

Episode begins with 'Pres' Logan meeting with Jack at the President's home
outside of Los Angeles. I guess I missed the part where it was decided to
move the US Capital from DC to LA.
Funny because I live in DC and I see Bush there all the time. In Fact, I wish I didn't.

Pres offers Jack his job at CTU back with 'Full Autonomy' . I assume this
means that Jack can do whatever he wants when he is on the job!
Let me think, where did I see THAT before.

Jack tells pres he is worried about his daughter Kim who believes Jack to be
dead. It is the first time he has worried about Kim in two years! Also, it
is strange that he does not have his daughter's number when he has the
President of the US, Mike Novick, and everyone from CTU on speed dial.

It appears that we will be seeing Kim again soon and we can look forward to
her again battling with mountain lions and her parade of loser boyfriends.
Perhaps she has hooked up again with Matt Dillon's brother who lives in a
cabin in the middle of the wilderness.

Cummings somehow commits suicide by hanging himself in a hallway in the
middle of the LA White House! Novick decides that the president "must see"
this in person rather than here about it on the phone.

Pscycho first lady takes control of the White House and orders Logan to give
a speech to the Nation on the Cummings scandal. She then writes the speech herself.
Remember that she was hiding under a horse in a stable an hour ago.

The Russian band guy (actually, he is from 'Central Asia') reveals that his
name is 'Ivan Erwich'. I speaks on the phone to another shady bad guy whose name is 'Rossler' and has a Scottish accent.
A Scottish terrorist!
If you'd asked me last week what I thought of Scottish terrorism, I would have thought your were talking about a ban on Single Malt Scotch exports to the US.
Now THAT would be terrifying!

note to TV series writers: calling a Russian terrorist "Ivan" or "Sergei" is as
dumb as calling a muslim terrorist "Abdul" or "Marwan".

Rossler needs codes for the nerve gas canisters and tells Ivan he needs to
open them up. Ivan needs metal cutting equipement, so of course, he sticks up the set of 'American Chopper'. Where the guy who is supposed to be Jesse James is working by himself in the enormous shop.
Ivan promises not to harm him, but shoots him anyway.
I guess he never liked American Chopper either.

Spencer gets let out of the brig to help Chloe, who tries really hard to
pretend she doesn't like him.

Audrey keeps answering the phone with this flirty 'Heeey...!' everytime Jack
calls in.

Jack and Curtis catch up with Rossler. Rossler appears to be the head of
some software company where everyone walks around carrying 9mm handguns. (just like most SW companies in 24).
They learn once again that while it is easy to sneak into a top secret goverment installation, sneaking into a software company is extremely dangerous and they get into a shootout.
Now, I used to work at a software company, so why didn't I get to cary a gun???

"Rudy" the hobbit is phoned up by his drug addicted sister AKA his closet crack Ho.
His sister needs 500 bucks, but not for drugs!

The girl looks like a strung out Aimee Mann (remember her from the band
'Till Tuesday???). He shows up with the cash and Aimee's friends mug him and take the money! ahh... not only the money, dear friends, but also his CTU card!

It is revealed that Rossler has a 15 year old Russian slave girl named
'Innessa'. Yikes!!! Jack tells her that she will be OK, but she pulls out a
gun and shoots Rossler who is the only one who knows where the terrorists
are. Why didn't she ever shoot him before??

Episode Grade.....9

Hour 8

We start off with Jack & Curtis at CTU. Ivan Erwich calls in for Rossler who
is dead and in a rare mistake, drops his entire plan to Jack who is
impersonating Rossler. They plan to meet "Rossler" in an abandoned parking
garage in a Blue van.

Mike tells pres Logan to lie to the American people about Cummings
involvement with the terrorists. Of course Logan buckles right away.
Meanwhile, the real Vice President Dick Cheney shoots his hunting buddy and
decides not to tell anyone for 24 hours, then tells the media it was the
poor dude's own fault that he got shot. They say he is in good condition.
The dude is 78 and got shot with a shotgun. How good can his condition

Jack makes it clear that he will need to 'act scared' when he goes to meet
the terrorists. Of course the fact that he is unarmed and on his way to meet
armed terrorists and impersonate a Scottish computer engineer is not enough
to get Jack scared, he will really need to adopt a whole new persona for
this one.

The terrorists show up in their van. It is this really pretty deep ocean
blue color, I just loved it! I think it was a Ford Econoline. The parking
garage is completely abandoned, just like most parking garages in downtown

Jack is wearing this wireless transreceiver that has perfect audio quality
from 'up to 20 feet'. He can also hear anything at CTU through an invisible
earpiece. The terrorists can't hear anything.

CTU follows the van at a 'Safe Distance' they don't want to be recognized,
even though they are driving a fleet of 15 jet black Dodge Durango SUV's,
any one of which would be easily recongnized by any homeless person on the
street as being driven by the feds.

The terrorist plan is to test a cannister of nerve gas out at a shopping
mall. I think I have actually been to that mall, its in Manhatten Beach and
they have a Mexican restaurant with this great happy hour.

Lenny a.k.a Rudy, a.k.a Sam the Hobbit decides to let the terrorists nerve
gas the mall so that they will lead CTU back to Ivan. Everyone likes this
plan except Audrey and of course Jack. Nothing is mentioned of Rudy's
sister, Aimee Mann who jacked him up for 500 dollars moments ago.

The terrorists handcuff Jack to a table, but only by one hand. Once the
terrorists release the nerve gas into the air ducts of the mall, Jack kills
one of the bad guys and frees himself in less than 20 seconds.

Mall patrons are terrified at the sight of Jack running around with a gas
mask and a pistol with a silencer on it, until people start dropping from
the nerve gas. Jack rescues a 5 year old girl and amazingly saves her life
by injecting her with CTU special anti-nerve gas compound.

The surviving bad guy pulls the old Hollywood Hotwire on some poor bloke's
Chevy, but when he notices that he is being followed by 10 black Durango's
he kills himself.

Good stuff I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha, I like the "subtle" Cheney part!

And, and how can an "outdoorsman" like Cheney be a conservative who doesn't give a shit about the environment? Fucking dickbag.