Karen, your re-cap was the most awesome one I've read. :D Kept me laughing the whole time.

and I just *knew* that was Sam from LOTR... I think he got fatter. Silverchair boy was pretty damn lucky. ... and the first lady, well I wish she would've turned around and nailed that guy in the sac!!!

Azal-War said:
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :worship:
you just managed to knock me off my seat at work, Dead_Lioness!!
I'm addicted to 24 as well, but boy, you have shed some new light for me
on that show!
I hate Australia's delayed broadcasting of any new season of any shows. Thankfully BitTorrent has always been there, and once my monthly download cap resets, I'll be keeping up with the episodes all y'all in the states are getting.

Thanks for the heads up, Warrel.
LOL. If for whatever plot-twisted reason that happens, I sure hope all their encounters from that moment on are cut scenes.

I think Jack should hook up with everybody. He's just THAT cool. I'm not even gonna ask why he isn't in Canada and why he's still blowing up terrorists.
Dead_Lioness said:
Are you kidding?
Why do you think he was so pissed when he heard she scored?
They have to hook up!
I dunno, that would be kind of sad. They both kind of look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome or cerebral palsy or something. Imagine their poor mongoloid spawn.