actually, i think their hands were bound with plastic zip-ties, which would still be pretty fuckin hard to cut with a shard of glass, but ya know, not impossible.
Tiff said:
eh, he probably had bigger and better acting opportunities to pursue...like more Allstate commercials
hahaha when i was watching it sunday night i was like "hey thats the dude from the Allstate comercials!" then he got shot through the friggin neck.
My knowledge of US geography is pretty detailed. I had no interest in rhode island anyway, trust me :)

My ideas were....SF, NY, Seattle or perhaps random hick town in middle of nowhere.
I find that hard to believe...

I've been to NY twice in recent years and enjoyed it both times. I have collegues who work at NYU and i know a couple people in the city, so i wouldnt totally be alone. Bias aside...y'think outta the WHOLE US it would be a good place to move?
Sentient 6 said:
Correction! Jack very deftly picked the lock of his handcuffs at lightning speed with the point pointy broken glass shards!! even more amazing!! This show is going to give me an aneurism! I know it!!

Uh, that's not cool. We need you around to keep the genius lyrics flowing....
Sentient 6 said:
Correction! Jack very deftly picked the lock of his handcuffs at lightning speed with the point pointy broken glass shards!! even more amazing!! This show is going to give me an aneurism! I know it!!

If you get anurism during 24 then:
* that means you'll be back in action by hour 8-9
* FBI agents will rush you in to the nearest hospital... WRONG! to the clinic of CTU of course!
* Audrey will paste outside of your room with a precious worried look.
* some hot-shot from Devision will probably tell her that "there's nothing you can do here, but we really need you upstairs"
* cloe will probably connect your anurism into a conspiracy involved with the mole.
Dead_Lioness said:
If you missed 24, worry not!

Hours 1-4

Jack - AKA 'Frank' is working at an oil refinery, and has this middle aged
single mom for a girfriend. Her teenage son doesn't like Jack. Kid looks
like the frontman for Silverchair ( I actually checked today!)

Palmer is assasinated while hanging out with his brother. His brother and he
look about as much alike as me and Britney Spears. However, they are both black

Michelle and Tony are attacked by a car bomber. Michelle dies and Tony is in
critical, meaning he will be back in action by hour 8.

Assasins make the mistake of going after Jack who smoke bombs them, shoots
them, and Jacks a helicopter within a few minutes. Can't recall how, but the
kid ends up hanging out with him.

A brilliant new character is revealed, the psycho first lady. It is revealed
that Palmer was her best friend, which is interesting because Palmer ran
against her husband in Season 3. This would be like Laura Bush being best
friends with John Kerry. She looks like Kim Catrall.

Audrey looks sweeter than ever in her new roll of hanging out at CTU with no
apparent job.

Jack remains able to win any hand to hand fight with anybody in under 30
seconds, even though fighting with highly trained terrorists and FBI agents.
This is believable since Jack goes about 5 - 7, 160 pounds.

Finally, a plot begins to emerge. The presidents of the US and Russia are
meeting to sign a pact against terrorism. Russian terrrorists, who have
never felt the need to do terrorism or suicide bombing before, are so
enraged that they go into action and take hostages at an airport after
killing Palmer and Michelle. They have a whitehouse insider working for

Jack sneaks into the Airport and finds a spot in the ceiling where he has a
perfect view of the terrorists, but they can't see him. His camera phone has
much better resolution then my 3 MB digital camera and he starts sending
photos of the crime scene to Buchanon at CTU.

Terrorists figure out that Jack is watching them and Jack turns himself in
when they threaten to waste the kid from Silverchair.

Russain terrorists appear to be under no stress whatsoever, even though they
have no way out of the airport.

The Russians force Jack to call in a fake rescue plan so that they will be
able to ambush the CTU guys. Jack makes it sound pretty obvious that he is a
captive, but Curtis and Buchannon are too stupid to pick up on it.

Buchanon used to work for "Division" but has apparently been demoted to head
of LA CTU. The new boss from division comes in and it is Sam, the hobbit
from Lord of the Rings. The hobbit fiugres out that Jack is a captive and
delights in giving orders to Buchanon who is 20 years older than him,
snidely calling him "Mr. Buchanon" while snickering at him. Audrey continues
to walk around CTU looking hot.

Curtis and CTU come in for the rescue and Jack cuts the chain for his
handcuffs on a piece of broken glass. Amazing!!! All 12 of the terrorsists
blow themselves up with explosive vests, and act in which not one hostage is

man, I love this show so much!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :worship:
you just managed to knock me off my seat at work, Dead_Lioness!!
I'm addicted to 24 as well, but boy, you have shed some new light for me
on that show!
Dead_Lioness said:
If you get anurism during 24 then:
* that means you'll be back in action by hour 8-9
* FBI agents will rush you in to the nearest hospital... WRONG! to the clinic of CTU of course!
* Audrey will paste outside of your room with a precious worried look.
* some hot-shot from Devision will probably tell her that "there's nothing you can do here, but we really need you upstairs"
* cloe will probably connect your anurism into a conspiracy involved with the mole.
