$25 for one play of Anthrax song in Orlando biggest "Pop" radio station

Armored Thrax

Feb 8, 2002
Orlando, FL
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The big top 40 station in Orlando is doing a pay for play promo to raise money for charity around thanksgiving. This is the most popular station in Orlando, unfortunately it is not a rock or metal station. Would it be worthwhile to pay $25.00 to have people hear, for example Safe Home, who are not neccessarily even rock fans????

I am really tempted to do it just for my personal enjoyment, but alas, I am not made of as much money as I wish I was.

Is it worthwhile and would you do it?????
Fucking A. I used to request Motely Crue at high school dances when "New Wave" was king. :lol: It might be fun and its for charity, lock and load.
In Toledo OH 104.7 wiot is doing a pay for play auction for the make-a-wish foundation. $20 will get you any song. I know it's true because they played inagodadavida. Someone got their monies worth.