25 years and 13+ releases=PROGPOWER


Sep 7, 2002
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So I've been after this for a while, but I think it's time to really sit down and think about some facts for having this band at ProgPower VII.

1. They've been in existence since 1981 and haven't played the USA for over 15 years.

2. They have 13+ cds, each of top notch caliber.

3. They are known the world over by fans of old metal AND fans of current metal.

4. They are a perfect mix of heavy and melodic.

5. They are annually one of the top billings of festivals in Europe. Mainstage. Right before the headliners.

6. Their classic songs are covered by many other current acts.

7. They single handedly represent their country when one thinks of metal. I don't know a band from their homeland that won't acknowledge this.

8. They feature one of the most distinguishable voices in metal.

9. The buzz on this board has increased each year to see this band.

Who is it?

None other than PRETTY MAIDS. By the time of the next festival they should, I presume, have a brand new cd out and be in the process of touring. We've had 2 Danish bands already and none have the resume of Pretty Maids. None have the longevity. None have the recognition factor of their name. And quite frankly, it is possible that neither of those previous ProgPower bands would even exist if the Pretty Maids hadn't broken down Denmark's barriers for heavy melodic metal.

I've been told in the past that "Fanbase" for Pretty Maids is primarily overseas. Well, I think we've all seen that name on many "wishlists" on this board. "Fanbase" arguments are out the window now that we've had bands such as Superior, Spiral Architect, and Manticora among others who've played PP and have been well received. We're now looking at metal history in the here and now with Pretty Maids. This isn't some "has-been" band reforming for a gig. This isn't "old school" stuff that is being trotted out for a walk down memory lane. This is one of those quality bands that could legitimately fill ANY slot on PPVII because they continue to release killer cds. It's time to finally add the Maids to the list for ProgPower and I'm willing to wager quite a bit of money that they will please the majority of the PPVII fans as well as the entirety of the melodic/power fanbase.
I've been a big fan of PM since I heard Lethal Heroes back in 1990 (something like that). They are heavier than PC69, so they would fit right in to PP!

Steve in Phillu
Yeah, I think Pretty Maids, unlike some of the other older bands cited here(like Accept and Running Wild) are still very relevant to the scene and would work out nicely at ProgPower.
I have loved PM eversince the song/video of Future World.

I think they would be a GREAT addition to PPVII....or VIII....or whenever..

80's AL
"Future Worlds" is all I've heard by this band. I have no insight into their popularity or drawing power. I wonder if their popularity overseas, and their lack of popularity on American shores, could create a money issue. If their accustomed to making the type of money Glenn pays headliners, but Glenn doesn't see them as a big enough draw to be a headliner, that would be an obvious stumbling block. I'd guess he might be hesitant to make them a headliner after the lukewarm reaction that Rage received.

I have to be honest, I obviously have heard the name, but I have absolutely no clue when it comes to their music. Surprisingly, I never heard a single song from them. If you guys could recommend one killer album, which would it be, and what are they like???
I only have a few albums from them, not real familiar... but the song "Future World" is an epic tune, been a favorite song of mine for 20 years. I'm not sure if this is cool to do or not so don't shoot me, I own the cd, LP, and tape. I'd prefer to just post it myself then trying to track down the song on some site full of popups and spyware. If it's not cool then just let me know and i'll edit the post or a mod can delete it.

Pretty Maids - Future World
Pretty Maids is one of those bands that just keeps on keeping on. Like AC/DC does for rock n' roll, they put out consistently good albums. I think their two albums from 1987 and 1990 (Future World and Jump the Gun) are their best, but honestly, they just crank out good melodic metal albums. They are far heavier than, say, Ten, or even PC69, but certainly stay in the melodic range.

Steve in Philly
If I were to recommend 1 cd, I have to go with "Sin Decade". All of them are top notch, but this one is the pinnacle for me. Now in their "old days", they were much more keyboard oriented, but not in a Swedish sorta way. It was unique for its time. After 1990's "Jump The Gun/Lethal Heroes" cd, they lost the keyboard sound and went straight on guitar.
Plus they just lost their drummer so this will be their first lineup change that I can recall since 1990. The band has been pretty much intact for 15 years.
zekeyou said:
Another 13+ release/25 year band worthy of Prog Power is:

Manilla Road

They rarely play the US but are based out of Witchita...

Epic, traditional, power-y...

Damnit, make another thread for it errr....I don't want to come off as an asshole but this a Pretty Maids thread put another band suggestion in a new thread. I'm really not this forthright usually :erk:
dargormudshark said:
Damnit, make another thread for it errr....I don't want to come off as an asshole but this a Pretty Maids thread...
Actually, the thread title is, " 25 years and 13+ releases=PROGPOWER". Besides, threadjacking is acceptable after 10 on-topic posts have been made.

zekeyou said:
Another 13+ release/25 year band worthy of Prog Power is:

Manilla Road

They rarely play the US but are based out of Witchita...

Epic, traditional, power-y...

I remember when they played the defunct Powermad festival in 2001. That was a really fun show - unfortunately I don't see them ever playing Progpower. Their music would probably go over well - but my guess is there simply isn't enough buzz about this band (outside of maybe the RC forum) to warrant consideration.
dargormudshark said:
Damnit, make another thread for it errr....I don't want to come off as an asshole but this a Pretty Maids thread put another band suggestion in a new thread. I'm really not this forthright usually :erk:

WooHoo-- Pretty Maids!
WooHoo-- Manilla Road!