2x12 Cab


New Metal Member
May 25, 2007
Hello everyone!

I'm looking to get a 2x12 cab to go with my peavey 6505.
Does anyone have any recommendations, ill mainly be using it for live use and some studio use.

I have been looking at the Marshall 1922 and the harley benton with v30's

Thanks for your help
Shit yeah, if you're in Europe, go for the Framus. The Marshall 1922 and 1936 2x12s aren't exactly the best quality. If Orange is cheaper in Europe than they are in the US, they make killer cabs as well. (Although they are, to put it mildly, very orange.) Diezel is probably out of your budget, even in the EU.

The Mesa Vertical 2x12s are killer though. Huge tone; I replaced a 4x12 at my practice space with one.
cheers, im in the uk. so the framus would be a good option from thomann.

ta for your help
I have a few questions about 2x12 cabs so I'll post them here, hope no one minds.

Ok, so I've ordered a custom amp, which is near completion and I need a cab for it. I was about to order one of Music Store's (Fame) 4x12 cabinets with vintage 30s because it costs only 400euro but realized it's made from particle board which from what I read is suitable only for budget cabs. I would have ordered a Harley Benton cab if it weren't for the shipping costs Thomann have (120 euro to Bulgaria). This pretty much leaves me with the Framus cabs I can order from Music Store: Framus FR-212 and Framus FR-412 Dragon
I'd go with the 412 if I could afford it and I would have chosen the 212 if I weren't concerned that it won't do the job as good as a 4x12. What would you advise me to do? What is in your oppinion the difference between a 2x12 and a 4x12 sound wise (particularly how they record as that's what I'll be using the cab for)? Could someone post A/B clips? And finally, do you think a 2x12 could do the job or will the sound lack too much?

Your help and opinions will be highly appreciated :notworthy
Hello everyone!

I'm looking to get a 2x12 cab to go with my peavey 6505.
Does anyone have any recommendations, ill mainly be using it for live use and some studio use.

I have been looking at the Marshall 1922 and the harley benton with v30's

Thanks for your help

I would get a Mesa 2x12 Recto cab. They have V30's and you can find them used for around $400-500. Mesa makes great cabinets.

Otherwise I would look for a used VHT 2x12. I think they've discontinued their 2x12 but it is an excellent cab too. Very solid.

I'm generally not a fan of Marshall cabs.

I have a few questions about 2x12 cabs so I'll post them here, hope no one minds.

Ok, so I've ordered a custom amp, which is near completion and I need a cab for it. I was about to order one of Music Store's (Fame) 4x12 cabinets with vintage 30s because it costs only 400euro but realized it's made from particle board which from what I read is suitable only for budget cabs. I would have ordered a Harley Benton cab if it weren't for the shipping costs Thomann have (120 euro to Bulgaria). This pretty much leaves me with the Framus cabs I can order from Music Store: Framus FR-212 and Framus FR-412 Dragon
I'd go with the 412 if I could afford it and I would have chosen the 212 if I weren't concerned that it won't do the job as good as a 4x12. What would you advise me to do? What is in your oppinion the difference between a 2x12 and a 4x12 sound wise (particularly how they record as that's what I'll be using the cab for)? Could someone post A/B clips? And finally, do you think a 2x12 could do the job or will the sound lack too much?

Your help and opinions will be highly appreciated :notworthy

If its just for recording purposes, minimize the space it would take up and get the 2x12... unless you plan on replacing the other 3 speakers for a couple different sounds... if you're doing mostly metal... stick with the V30s.