3 days left to apply for teh university

Well lizard covered the merits of Political Science pretty well. :D My program was not so much about the ways of gov't and political systems as it was reading, writing, and debating which was a great load of fun. But anyhow, my advice is:

DO NOT GO TO COLLEGE IN PREPARATION FOR A CAREER, unless you are looking to do some very specific job like lurch said. College isn't about training, it's about learning and having a good time stretching your brain, liver, and sack. A lot of people have this weird notion that their chosen major will lock them in to a specific lifestyle for the next 60 years and it just isn't true. Study what you enjoy, not what society tells you will guarantee job placement later in life.
Ask yourself: What's the most important thing - an education within a field you actually like and enjoy, or a so-called "wise move" education where you study something that will make you attractive in the job market? You'll probably opt for the former, if I know you well enough. Well, what are your interests? Sound engineering? Media? Computers? Go for something that actually interests you.

I do not agree with Lurch. Here in Norway, at least, you won't be employed anywhere if you don't have got a relevant education (preferably a master's degree). If you're going to work with computers, you should have a three year's education (MINIMUM), and preferably a "niche" education (in that you specialize in something that's a bit unusual). Also, it's a good idea to study at a big and well-known university, not a small "Högskola", if you want to get a job relatively easy after you've finished studying.

Hm, when thinking of it, why don't you study Norse mythology/culture, Vikings or something? I think that's possible if you go for a history course. It might not help you a lot in the job market, but you could just become a weird professor at a University after some time, or alternatively write and publish shit that compares Norse mythology to Sweden's religious status of today bla bla etc.

Edit: Also, based on what relatives/friends (who either study/have studied) tell, university life in Scandinavia is vastly different from university life in the USA. It's not about "hanging around in the dorms, smoke weed and get laid", it's almost similar to a school but with lot more work.
Crimson Velvet said:
If I were to study something again, it would have to be literature or something in that vein. Other than that, I had a good time getting my master's in english. Maybe you could consider that, as it seems like you've got a decent grasp on the language already.

I suggest this as well, or perhaps some other humanities discipline. It's far more interesting and fun than boring Chemistry or Calculus.

I used to study engineering but I switched to the liberal arts faculty to perhaps study history or classical studies (ancient world stuff) because I absolutely could not stand what I was doing. I guess the point of this story is to choose something that YOU'RE interested in, rather than what everyone else wants you to do (though it's my recommendation to do literature or medieval or ancient history, or something else that's FUN)
Henrik Main said:
Hm, when thinking of it, why don't you study Norse mythology/culture, Vikings or something? I think that's possible if you go for a history course. It might not help you a lot in the job market, but you could just become a weird professor at a University after some time, or alternatively write and publish shit that compares Norse mythology to Sweden's religious status of today bla bla etc.
I thought a lot about this and finally thought something like "bleh can't do it here and moving is too much work and stuff to think about and shit so fuck it", so finally I settled for some crap I don't really care about and I can't see how it's supposed to get me a job when I'm done but they say it's here just because the "business" said they needed it so maybe if I'm lucky and lie a lot...
fotmbm said:
I thought a lot about this and finally thought something like "bleh can't do it here and moving is too much work and stuff to think about and shit so fuck it", so finally I settled for some crap I don't really care about and I can't see how it's supposed to get me a job when I'm done but they say it's here just because the "business" said they needed it so maybe if I'm lucky and lie a lot...

Sounds kinda like my situation... sociology: people tell me it's going SOMEWHERE but I don't quite see where, other than teaching (fuck that!) or being some kind of academic fag, which I'd hate. I'd like to take a year off from school next year, save money up, travel to Europe, see a bit of the world, and think about my plans for my life. Sounds fun and a good excuse to get really fuckin' loaded in all kinds of different places across Europe!
Erik said:
As far as I know, you can't generally do stuff like this in Sweden. You choose something, then that's it. Sometimes you can choose different branches a year or two in, but switching to something completely different is difficult I think

Well you must have a main subject in your exam (80 credits of 160 if it's a magisterexamen for example) but the remaining credits can be spent however you like.

When it comes to choosing I say choose something that you're interested in to start with, it's only 20 credits so it's no big deal if it turns out it's not your cup of tea and not something you'd like to do later on. My tips would be History or History of Ideas, I will be studying the latter the coming semester, not sure where though
Henrik Main said:
Edit: Also, based on what relatives/friends (who either study/have studied) tell, university life in Scandinavia is vastly different from university life in the USA. It's not about "hanging around in the dorms, smoke weed and get laid", it's almost similar to a school but with lot more work.
:rolleyes: Yes because anyone with a degree from a US university never did any real work, right? Some of us are able to balance dicking around while busting ass at the same time you know, just look at Lambda Lambda Lambda from Revenge of the Nerds!
I dunno about you guys, but to me (living at home and shit), my life didn't change all THAT much when I started university. I can see that for some people it's just one massive party/fashion show (i.e. the pathetic hoards of zombies wearing Kappa, Invicta, Von Dutch and all that walking around with 4 pounds of make-up on like they're going to a club!) but for me, when I go to school, I go to learn, and when I'm at home I'm either on here doing homework, playing games, or just relaxing with my girlfriend. We go to an occasional movie, out for drinks, other things, but other than that I have so few friends it's almost funny :)
Well, since I moved I've learnt that food is edible as long as it's just slightly green and that vacuum cleaners are really really really really really really unnecessary and more stuff like that
One Inch Man said:
:rolleyes: Yes because anyone with a degree from a US university never did any real work, right? Some of us are able to balance dicking around while busting ass at the same time you know, just look at Lambda Lambda Lambda from Revenge of the Nerds!

Uh, that's not what I said, but due to "quality reforms" in Scandinavian universities, students who want good grades don't have any spare time to do such things at all :) :)
My program here is almost a fuckin joke... easiest shit I've ever done!
Highschool? MUCH harder than this!

I don't do any of the required readings, somehow manage to write essays on books by just looking up quotes I need and still get As most of the time :)
Henrik Main said:
Uh, that's not what I said, but due to "quality reforms" in Scandinavian universities, students who want good grades don't have any spare time to do such things at all :) :)
Yeah I put that Revenge of the Nerds comment at the end just in case I inferred your comment the wrong way, which I apparently did. Whoops. :D