3 free assassinations

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
If you were the Prez and got your 3 free assassinations, who would they be?

The only person I can really think of would be Bill O'Reilly. The man absolutely brings nothing to the table of human beings.

I would miss Kim Jong Il before I missed Bill O'Reilly.
Man, I saw the O'Reilly interview with Jeremy Glick and how he basically bullies people not only on his show, but off as well. The security had to escort Glick off the set because O'Reilly was threatening to literally beat him up.

So Glick is kind of a pansy-ass whiner, ok, that's a given. But he's very small and just a young, docile guy. The fact that O'Reilly actually threatened to beat his ass infuriates me. I really do hope that fuck dies a horrible death.
I'm fairly sure with black ops, Prez can kill as many as he damn well wants.

Killing unknowns with black ops is not the same as an assassination of a public or political figure. If the US didn't have the no assassination policy, all the tyrants around the world would already be dead.
I doubt that, they sure fucked it up a lot with Castro.

But didn't they try to get his own people to assassinate him? Our policy is no US agencies have the right to assassination...it's different if you do it by proxy. Just look at the Kurds in Iraq.

I'm not saying we wouldn't ever do it; it's the concealment that's the problem.