I finally decided to post my review here.
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (0/10)
This should have been a companion film for "Fahrenheit 9/11", because this piece of shit is just like it. If the films director Robert Greenwald wanted to prove something, the only thing he prooved is that he is a big asshole.
For those who don't know, this "documentary" is an attempt to expose the Fox News Channel. This film is NOTHING but cut and paste propaganda. How is it cut and paste? Well, first off, the film just shows brief clips of FNC that is supossed to make the network look bad. The problem with that is that the director cuts the clips too short and dosent even show what the issue the people in the clip were discussing! Example: the film has a segment of clips just showing Bill O'Reilly telling people to shut up, like that's all he tells his guests to do. In one of the clips, O'Reilly is talking to a young gay student who was in serious trouble for outing himself in high school. O'Reilly asked him "Why don't you just shut up about sex, and nobody would get upset at you?" The director cut the clip, so it only shows O'Reilly saying "Why don't you just shut up?"
Another example of why this film is propaganda is the fact that the director accuses the Fox News anchors of taking marching orders, and memos of how to report the news and slant it beeing on the anchors desks right before a brodcast. Sure, FNC has a daily breefing, but EVERY network does!
What I am trying to say by this review is don't give into this outright lie of a film. Robert Greenwald calls the Fox News Channel propaganda, but he is a hypocrite, because his poorly made film is nothing but propaganda! I really think Robert Greenwald is one of Michael Moore's or Al Franken's psedonems.
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (0/10)

This should have been a companion film for "Fahrenheit 9/11", because this piece of shit is just like it. If the films director Robert Greenwald wanted to prove something, the only thing he prooved is that he is a big asshole.
For those who don't know, this "documentary" is an attempt to expose the Fox News Channel. This film is NOTHING but cut and paste propaganda. How is it cut and paste? Well, first off, the film just shows brief clips of FNC that is supossed to make the network look bad. The problem with that is that the director cuts the clips too short and dosent even show what the issue the people in the clip were discussing! Example: the film has a segment of clips just showing Bill O'Reilly telling people to shut up, like that's all he tells his guests to do. In one of the clips, O'Reilly is talking to a young gay student who was in serious trouble for outing himself in high school. O'Reilly asked him "Why don't you just shut up about sex, and nobody would get upset at you?" The director cut the clip, so it only shows O'Reilly saying "Why don't you just shut up?"
Another example of why this film is propaganda is the fact that the director accuses the Fox News anchors of taking marching orders, and memos of how to report the news and slant it beeing on the anchors desks right before a brodcast. Sure, FNC has a daily breefing, but EVERY network does!
What I am trying to say by this review is don't give into this outright lie of a film. Robert Greenwald calls the Fox News Channel propaganda, but he is a hypocrite, because his poorly made film is nothing but propaganda! I really think Robert Greenwald is one of Michael Moore's or Al Franken's psedonems.