Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party
Has anyone noticed that orange peels are far thicker this year than ever before? I'm not even sure what that means but I'm certain that some blame global warming, while others know it's that damn Obama's fault (again). Personally I'd rather just eat apples most of the time anyhow, but it's hard to turn down a nice blood orange when you can find them. I hope they have some at the farmer's market tomorrow morning, but then again Sunday I rarely rise before 11am and forget about the fruit until it's long since shut down for the week. I'm terribly bad at timing most of the time, such is the story of my existence really.
Even with this current venture, I'm not even listening to the album in question yet, in fact, truth be told, I haven't even picked it out! I suppose I'll get around to that soon enough and then find the album cover picture and put it up top accordingly, but, as the saying goes, time will tell. That bastard never clues me in until far too late, as is evident from my newfound love of classic albums many many years later.
Of course these days I'm no longer even fashionably late to the party, rather I just stay home instead. Case in point, today there is an open jam down the street from me, and one of the dudes from Boingo will be there (hey maybe I should put that album on for this post, as I said I still haven't picked it out yet, even though I'm already talking about it, whatever it turns out to be). But, rather than showing up slightly late with a coooool ass cucumber countenance, bass in hand, I'll likely just stay home and watch bad '90s pornography whilst thinking about reading a book. Time, he flexes like a whore, falls wanking to the floor, etc.
Speaking of the Mystic Nights of the Oingo-Boingo, I was initially introduced to them some 25 years ago by my first Older Woman love. My mother was working at a day care center at the time, and I would tag-along with her to work when I wasn't in school. That is where I met the vixen I speak of, a 19-year-old '80s chick who drove a VW Rabbit convertible and adored all things Danny Elfman. I was a 9 year old kid at the time, but as one of the Older Boys, one that wasn't actually part of the system but could come and go as I pleased, I knew that she found me... special. For some reason her and I ended up going somewhere in her Rabbit, wherein I discovered her vast Oingo Boingo tape collection. As we listened to Dead Man's Party on the way to the corner store all I could think of was that amazing feeling in my pants, something I hadn't felt since discovering my Grandfather's nudie collection some years before. Confused and aroused, a strangely pleasant state to be, even today.
The music was completely inconsequential, but I ended up going out and purchasing an Oingo Boingo tape to call my own as quick as I could. The store was out of Dead Man's Party so I ended up with Boi-ngo instead, and I remember liking it, but became confused at that one song involving sex/rape/muppets (yet another odd feeling in my young pants commenced... hmm). These days I don't remember her name or what she even looked like, but there I was in 1988, smitten and blind by her teased and bang'd red hair.
15 years later I had long since forgotten about her, Oingo Boingo, and honestly much of the '80s in general. But I had joined a band with two members who, much like my first love, were obsessed with all things Danny Elfman. So I got to experience this band as an adult, and hear it all in a different light: bootlegs, live DVDs, all the rare shit, and of course regular albums. It finally hit me one day, like a load of bricks, at a band "practice" (lots of beer, no actual rehearsal), and I screamed "CAN WE LISTEN TO SOMETHING BESIDES OINGO FUCKING BOINGO FOR A CHANGE?!?!" I don't even like this god damn band, and giving them a 3rd chance right now I'm quickly remembering why!