

the real autumnal demon.
Mar 4, 2003
What's the deal with the advanced copy that's only 38 minutes long? I know it's going to be 43 minutes, so where's the missing 1:33?

edit: as a side note, i have already pre-ordered my copy, and i'll be deleting the mp3s as soon as i get the actual cd. I'm also just so anxious to hear it.
Just a question here

this 38 minutes..it is MP3's right???
Not an actual Black Mark CD???
Since I made the pre-master myself I'd be very surprised to see that the CD factory deleted 5 minutes??
Yeah, it's a 9 track MP3 rip floating around. It's obviously Crimson II: The sample is in it, you can tell it's Dan's growl, and a lot of sections are stuff from the original Crimson re-done(Which is awesome :)). But, there are three things weird about it: It's divided up into 9 tracks. This wouldn't be that odd, if it wasn't posted that it was supposed to be 44. If they were gonna edit it, why not make it just 1? Also, the tracks don't always flow right. Like, the section between tracks 1 and 2, they don't seem to connect. I noticed listening today that at the end of 1, it seems to end, then you hear something, but it switches to the second track at full blast. And lastly, the obvious one, it's only 38 mins, not 43.

P.S. I know this may sound cliche, but I'm gonna say it anyway, that the day The End records gets it in stock, I'm ordering it. I already got money set aside for it. :D
I have checked it out... and YES it's the real Crimson II that you guys have downloaded.. But something is missing 'cause that version is only 38 min


Buy the album when it's out.... and listen to the real sound of the mighty CRIMSON II :Spin:
gaz said:
Here's you answer:
Last song was left off the mp3 release as it is 44 tracks on the CD and the AMRC group decided not to include it on their promo rip.
That doesn't sound right at all. The last song on the mp3 release (track 9, Aftermath) ends beautifully. One of the best album endings I have ever heard. I can't wait to get my actual copy...hurry up Blackmark.
Maybe it's a cat/box thing. You must buy the real one to see the real corpse/fleabag. SEE IT. SMELL IT.
gaz said:
Here's you answer:
Last song was left off the mp3 release as it is 44 tracks on the CD and the AMRC group decided not to include it on their promo rip.

AMRC doesn't leave shit off of promo rips anyway. They have no shame.
You right, they have no shame, but i really don't understand why they didn't rip it in full length.
What (?), the cd have powerful protection or something ?
Well, I preordered it 2 weeks ago....and I still haven't even received a second email from BlackMark, and there is no way to trace my order....this fucking sucks, Black Mark's webshop blows.

Also, what's up with the release date? Sorry to be all n00b-ish about it, but there's been so much confusion about Crimson II (Dies Irae fake, promo rip, august or september release date...) that I guess it's just gotten to me.

Anyway, I assumed it was released on August 26th. Someone told me the release date was pused back to tweak up some production problems, but that makes no sense, since it's already been officially released in Holland (I think) and Finland.

So......when can I expect the mail man around here?

I'm starting to get the twitches :cry:
There´s a quite substantial part in the middle of the album missing on the 38 min mp3. It contains both some of my growls, Dan´s cleans vox and a kickass heavy metal solo. Actually on eof the better parts of the album when I think of it.
Hi Rogga!:wave:

Yeah, there had to be a part missing of course... I think that's kinda cool, so everybody who wants the whole thing has to buy it.

Too bad there are these problems with the release, I can't wait anymore, and I won't download it, so I'm kinda mentally starving... :D