3d Troll

Tut Ankh Amon

I See You Masturbate!
Sep 26, 2002
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hey people, this has absolutely nothing to do with nothing here, but since this board has gone to hell a long time ago, AND i'm bored, whatever!!!


Well, i'm gonna make a short movie that is about uhm... well basically it has no storyline, it's simply Stormblast (Flavio :D ) fighting to a giant troll

And since all of us are heavy metal freaks, and all of us simply have this strange passion for trolls and/or trollish metal, i decided to ask for your oppinnion. What do you think this troll should look like? I don't have many ideas, so im asking your fertile minds to take a look ad help :D

Anyways, here's a little .AVI of my 3d model rotating
http://www.theweb.com.br/stupidity/archives/troll_fullbody.avi (797k, DivX 5.02)

As you will see, i havent done the face yet ( :D ) nor the lower parts of the legs.

take a look and help! I need ideas :p
yeah, it's untextured yet, he just has a simple color.
@bodomite: i showed his arm to you, textured

it's putrid and green :D

I don't know if i should make him thin and green or fat and with caucassian skin...
maybe brownish.. dunno...

any other sugestions?