3rd lineup church

JonnyD said:
:grin: yep and Down to the River, Low to Overdrive .... hahahah Good album all the way!
It's a shame that album didn't (have access to nor receive) the type of label visibility & support of BLESSING & HUMAN FACTOR, because I do believe it's the best of the Howe-era discs (aside: Though I do love Mike Howe's voice, his propensity for wavering just around and out of melody always annoyed me. Maybe I'm picking nits 'cause I've never heard any other complaints about him than my own, but what can I say?). I love the vampire lore of "Hypnotized", as well as most of the other tunes already mentioned. The Church have been of those precious few bands who were always able to come up with great songs (musicwise) and also introspective, intelligent lyrics to go along with them.. A definite plus in my book.
MRNot said:
(aside: Though I do love Mike Howe's voice, his propensity for wavering just around and out of melody always annoyed me. Maybe I'm picking nits 'cause I've never heard any other complaints about him than my own, but what can I say?).

That because his voice goes flat sometimes. It bothers me every now and then, but his voice went perfect with the music and he usually nailed everything.

Have we missed naming any of the songs off Hanging In The Balance? Oh yes, lets not forget the soothing instrumental, Lovers And Madmen, and the all out rockage of Conductor and Gods Of Second Chance. :worship:
MRNot said:
It's a shame that album didn't (have access to nor receive) the type of label visibility & support of BLESSING & HUMAN FACTOR, because I do believe it's the best of the Howe-era discs (aside: Though I do love Mike Howe's voice, his propensity for wavering just around and out of melody always annoyed me.

Hmmm.... I think that is part of his style. I think he has/had a fantastic voice. He has that drill seargent barking out commands style of voice and really took the forefront of that band (even with the great drummer Arrington turned up high in the mix on BiD) The lyrics were always very social conscious and intelligent and Howe could "bitch" about the injustices of the world better than anyone else without getting on your nerves doing it. He is sorely missed by me.

Bryant said:
Hmmm.... I think that is part of his style. I think he has/had a fantastic voice. He has that drill seargent barking out commands style of voice and really took the forefront of that band (even with the great drummer Arrington turned up high in the mix on BiD) The lyrics were always very social conscious and intelligent and Howe could "bitch" about the injustices of the world better than anyone else without getting on your nerves doing it. He is sorely missed by me.


I always Liked the "Crystal Glassy" as I would put it sound of his Voice Always Remeinded me of Joey Belladonna in his Prime for some reason and I completely Agree with you Bry! He was the Best at Bitching and making it sound Interesting hahahah I miss the Bastard too I would love to Hear New music from him Ya know maybe something along the Lines of John Arch's Twist of Fate cd ..... Maybe we outta get a Petion (spellin) going and send it to him :lol:
Wyvern said:
Kurdt may have been the founder and played in the first albums, but to me the real MC is Howe/Wells/Arrington/Ericsson/Marshall.
Just to fill in some background info, I dug up an interview I did with Kurdt Vanderhoof in 1999 (at the time of the MASTERPEACE release) for the Detritus eZine. It now exists in the archives of the Detritus list at Yahoo Groups, to view which you may need to register, but if so, I can always grab it and post it here.. Here's the link to the interview (near the end of this issue): http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/detritus/message/48

(PS: Yeah.. I'm being narcissistic and dropping names, but it was a fun time when I got to talk to several influential artists and I'd like to think I did a relatively good job at it)
I think it was Wayne's vocals, really. He sounded like complete shit at some parts, but on most songs his voice actually added greatly to the atmosphere of the songs (ESPECIALLY on "Into Dust").
Jean-Pierre said:
I think it was Wayne's vocals, really. He sounded like complete shit at some parts, but on most songs his voice actually added greatly to the atmosphere of the songs (ESPECIALLY on "Into Dust").
Yeh, his voice wasn't any where near where they used to be back in the 80's, but i didn't have much of a problem with it. "Into Dust" is a great example!! His voice really did add to that song!:rock: