4/18 Cleveland Review


Feb 21, 2004
Columbus, OH
First day on the tour, and the bands could've barely sounded better. I had previously only heard one Evergrey song, and liked what I heard. But I really didn't expect that much from them. Wow, was I wrong. These guys did a hell of a job, and their frontman really knew how to get the crowd going. I was also impressed by their guitar playing. I didn't expect them to be as good as they were. Their drummer was phenomenal, as well! A real drummer uses the entire set as much as possible, IMO, and did he ever do that. At one point it was kind of amusing to see the singers reaction to something a fan said. He began saying "our new album comes out the 26th or 27th, I don't quite remember" and in the back you heard someone say "I already have it!." The singer pretty much ignored him, and everyone laughed.

Next, the legendary CoB was on stage. I may be forgetting one song, I'm not sure, but they played "Hate Me!" for their opener, and also played "Needled 24/7", "Sixpounder", "Chokehold (Cocked -n- Loaded)", "Angels Don't Kill", "Silent Night Bodom Night" (is that what it is called?), and "Everytime I Die". A very impressive set, imo. My only complaint would be the fact that the other guitarist (name?) was too loud, Alexi was too low, and the other guitarist was rather sloppy at times. The other guitarist, though out of his control, had some technical problems in the middle of the show as well. At one point in the show, Alexi was doing one of his solos in front of Janne, and Janne was leaning over and watching him play and nodding. At this point, Alexi did a sort of guitar whip and cracked Janne in the head. They were laughing for a good portion of the rest of the song. Might I ask why Janne's keys look charred at parts though?

Lastly, the headliner, Iced Earth. Now before I start with them, I must say that I wasn't expecting much from any of their older songs with Ripper replacing Barlow. Now, I'm an Iced Earth fan, but I haven't heard that many of their albums. In fact, only "Horror Show", a few songs from "Something Wicked" and the new album, "The Glorious Burden." They played many songs I didn't know of course, and the only song they played from Horror Show that I'd be able to tell the difference between Barlow and Ripper on was "Dracula." Ripper did a much better job than I had anticipated! After an approximate 10-12 song set (guessing!), IE retired offstage. They later returned to chants of "Iced Earth!" and set up and American flag, and a Confederate flag, one on each side of the drummer. Then, Schaffer and the other guitarist (name? i'm bad at those, if you can't tell...) re-entered. Schaffer with a confederate Les Paul, and the other guitarist with a US Les Paul. At this point, Iced Earth broke into the Gettysburg epic. After the 32 minutes of bliss, they went into an older song which I did not recognize, but at one point there was a cut-off where the singer I suppose was supposed to let out a long ass scream. Ripper must have held this scream for 20-25 seconds. At the end of it, I saw Schaffer say "DAMN!" and they continued, ended the song, and the show ended.

Though I've only been to two other shows, one with Children of Bodom and Dimmu, this must be the best one I've been to yet. All three bands were phenomenal, and had fantastic stage presence. A must see concert! :headbang:
The other guitarist's name is Roope Latvala. He plays also in Sinergy, and is now a session member of COB. But I can't imagine him playing sloppy, since I know that he's a guitar legend in Finland, and that he's just as good as Alexi!
Who knows, maybe he was shitfaced ;)
IcedFlames said:
Next, the legendary CoB was on stage. I may be forgetting one song, I'm not sure, but they played "Hate Me!" for their opener, and also played "Needled 24/7", "Sixpounder", "Chokehold (Cocked -n- Loaded)", "Angels Don't Kill", "Silent Night Bodom Night" (is that what it is called?), and "Everytime I Die". A very impressive set, imo. My only complaint would be the fact that the other guitarist (name?) was too loud, Alexi was too low, and the other guitarist was rather sloppy at times.
Thats a mistake, roope is definately not sloppy. . .

IcedFlames said:
The other guitarist, though out of his control, had some technical problems in the middle of the show as well. At one point in the show, Alexi was doing one of his solos in front of Janne, and Janne was leaning over and watching him play and nodding. At this point, Alexi did a sort of guitar whip and cracked Janne in the head.

IcedFlames said:
They were laughing for a good portion of the rest of the song. Might I ask why Janne's keys look charred at parts though?
Cuz he rips that shit up. . .like whoa. . that his hands start to get soooo hot, that they burn up the keys. . .
the other fellow is Roope. :)

Thanks for the update, dude! Sounds like a good setlist on CoB's part! IE's set sounds like it would be good to watch as well. And Angels Don't Kill is part of the set too, nice! 7 songs...what's that, like 40 mins or so I am guessing?

Well, the Philly show's in 11 days! :D I guess we'll see if they are rotating the setlist or sticking with it.
Hmm.. I didn't think that was Roope. I knew his name, just didn't think that was him. Yeah, I've heard he is very good. I think he just tried to spice it up a tad too much at parts and.. just missed frets perhaps? Maybe he was trashed. :tickled: Nevertheless, :worship: .
there is more than 7 songs. . .im pretty sure there is 11 or 12. . .a good hour nonetheless. .
Oh by the way.. sorry for posting so much, but.. Alexi has things etched into his black Randy Rhoads now. It looked like 3 X's right below the neck, and I think there was a "CKY" etched in, haha. His shirt was fucking awesome too! It said "I go to N*Sync concerts for pussy". :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
Nice review

I heard a bunch of other places that they played 11 songs. Maybe you just got lost in the music :)
They did play one song at the end that I'd never heard before, so it had to be from Hatebreeder or Something Wild since I don't have either of them. I'm guessing it was Downfall.