1 girl in her cups
"make sure he didnt collapse" Fen LUCKY chikk!
By the way 1. I hope he was fine in the end!!!!!!! and 2. I soo wish next time YOURS TRULY could make sure...hahahh!
Really... :Spin:

Fenrir13 said:for the hell of it, here is a pic that will be on the interview page when it's up. I snapped this on the bus, I just asked him to give me a nice drinking pose...
Heh, thats me in the upper left corner of that picFenrir13 said:for the hell of it, here is a pic that will be on the interview page when it's up. I snapped this on the bus, I just asked him to give me a nice drinking pose...
VeronicaGirl said:yea, I figured. I should have just lied and said I was 18 but then I thought if they looked through my stuff they would have found my id cards. =\ I should have just not brought em. and also I didn't want to lie to the them.
I hate how a friggin number in this world says everything. my age number may say im 17 but my looks and personality, well maybe 18-19, i think. some people in this world never grow up also, they can be 30 and still act like a kid ya know. age shouldn't matter.
Couldn't agree with you more.Dmanx Pit said:Oh, and contrary to what a lot of people think, Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth DOES have a sense of humor and actually isn't the asshole some people make him out to be.