4 debut tracks

Jun 19, 2004
So what are your bets on the chronology "American soil"/possibly-never-played songs? I'm thinking...

"The Twilight is My Robe"
"The Amen Corner"

And as for the fourth... I have a feeling it'll be a later one, and I think all of Still Life has been done, I know all of Damnation was done, but are they including something off of GR for one of these "debuts"? If they are, I bet it's "Isolation Years." If not... I'm hoping for "Dirge for November" but I'm putting my bet on either "The Funeral Portrait" (which was done in the UK before, and Mendez doesn't care for "DFN") or "By the Pain I See in Others" (Mike said he'd love to play it). I picked "Isolation Years" if it's a GR track since it's Mike's favorite.

The first two I picked because I know they rehearsed them for the Lamentations Over America Tour... and then I heard they did "The Amen Corner" sooo yeah.

Other possibilities (if memory serves right of their not being played) that I haven't mentioned would be "The Night and the Silent Water", "Black Rose Immortal", "Karma", "Epilogue" (which would KICK ASS), "Wreath", and then off of GR there's "Beneath the Mire", "Reverie/Harlequin Forest", "Hours of Wealth". And I guess if you really wanted to count... "Requiem", "Silhouette", "For Absent Friends", "Prologue" and "Madrigal" - all would be cool to hear as intros (especially "Silhouette"), but they would be cheap as actual tracks in the set! And I can't remember if they've done "In the Mist She Was Standing."

Gah... wouldn't it be awesome if "Hours of Wealth" was done? Probably would be just Mike and Per (with Mendez disappearing after the first two minutes), but if Mike was on-key it would be great to hear live. So many options!!
And I've always wanted to hear "Epilogue" done (esp. with a keyboardist on hand) despite it being an instrumental.

Anyways, thoughts. I guess it makes sense to do a probable list vs. a wish list.
Have they ever played Reverie/Harlequin Forest yet? Cause I would love to see that song live, I think its one of the best songs on the new cd.

And Remember Tomorrow, the bonus track on MAYH. That would be cool, and I bet they have never played it before live.
I dont think they will be playing Nectar. They played it already in the US one I think it was the first tour they did, opening for..... I forgot at the moment, but i saw the show in Los Angeles and they did play Nectar, and a few other old songs as well.. Im trying to remember if When, or April Etheral was played, i think it was.. I gotta find my bootleg of that show to be sure..
Really? Wow, I didn't think they'd done 'Harlequin Forest' live... *EDIT*, did I just prove that I'm really gullible?

If they did four songs that (I think) they haven't done before, I would love those to be:

The Twilight Is My Robe
By The Pain I See In Others
Hours Of Wealth

But, in my IDEAL setlist, the latter two wouldn't feature...
I agree, I've never liked "Wreath." I don't think a lot of people do though, so if they're going to debut something off of Deliverance I hope it'll be "By the Pain I See in Others."

Angl, are you sure that they did "Nectar"? Their first tour was for BWP I believe... and I think that the only Morningrise song that they did was "Advent" (the Orchid track being "Forest of October"). Then for the Damnation Tour they did "To Bid You Farewell." I don't recall anything else from that album being done here.
"When" was just done on the last leg of their tour here, and "April Ethereal" was done during the Lamentations Tour.
By The Pain I see In Others
Reverie/Harlequin Forest
The Moor

Im gonna bet on them playing Hours of Wealth though. Mikael seems to like that song. And By The Pain I see In Others is supposed to be really difficult to play, so I hope they play it. And Black Rose Immortal would be amazing, but I doubt it. Or Beneath The Mire, That is probably quite possible.
hours of wealth wont be good live. Intro would be impossible to recreate, the middle part people would be yelling, outro is too slow, people are dumb, etc

advent has been played in america.