5 bands that should be PUT TO DEATH!

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Akerfeldt's got a good voice, great tone, good timbre but hes no match for Geoff Tate, Dio, Russell Allen, Bruce Dickinson or Rob Halford at the same age.

I did not say you were an idiot for bringing up Akerfeldt or Damnation..... I was in fact awaiting for it to be brought up.

Marilyn Monroe was an overweight, dizzy, attention whore and Im sure she was hard to tolerate in bed as elsewhere in her life...... =}:-0
He is a way better vocalist than Devin. Don't get me wrong, I love SYL/Devin Townsend Band but Devin isn't that great of a vocalist.

Devin is a great vocalist. I wouldn't say his range is technically wide as far as the notes he hits, but he can change styles on a whim. The best thing about all Devin's music is usually the vocals.

& how in the fuck did this turn into a debate on vocalists...? :hypno: I thought we were talking about killing 5 bands?
Akerfeldt's got a good voice, great tone, good timbre but hes no match for Geoff Tate, Dio, Russell Allen, Bruce Dickinson or Rob Halford at the same age.

I did not say you were an idiot for bringing up Akerfeldt or Damnation..... I was in fact awaiting for it to be brought up.

Marilyn Monroe was an overweight, dizzy, attention whore and Im sure she was hard to tolerate in bed as elsewhere in her life...... =}:-0
That's what I like Razor, substantiation. Of course, I don't agree. Here's a little more back-up. Halford's performance on "Sad Wings of Destiny" is brilliant. Geoff Tate's best performance was on "Operation Mindcrime." Dio, was solid, certainly better than the overrated Ozzy. Russel Allen is very good, especially for me on "Paradise Lost." Bruce Dickinson, c'mon man, not even in the same league as the others. Listen to Akerfeldt's vocals on "Benighted" from Still Life, and if they don't amaze you, you ain't breathin'. I really like Robert Lowe-Candemass/Solitude Aeternus. Roy Kahn-Kamelot. Dan Swano-Nightingale/Edge of Sanity/Bloodbath. Jonas Renske-Katatonia. Always liked Jon Nodveidt's vocals from Dissection. I don't know, I could go on and on for both "clean" and "death" vocals. As far as Marilyn Monroe goes, let's just say, if she would have thrown some pussy your way and you would have turned her down for your above-mentioned reasons, DO NOT EVER respond to or talk to me fuckin' ever again. Because you are on the other side of the fence, man. You MUST enroll in a school that will give you musical and female taste real soon. Must really suck to be you!!!
laughin my fuckin ass off !

depends if she was running her mouth off or "acting" like the ass she was. I have indeed been turned off by stupid girls and walked away from possibilities due to not being that desperate. Its not an uncommon thing amounst men or women

This got way off topic because I stated my opinion on "death vocals(:zombie:) " and peeps couldnt take it. It wasnt like I stated 5 death or black metal bands that could be randomly picked to meet the faith they so adorn......... :heh: I get by fine without listening to that rubbish, besides the progressive bands cover that ground and far more, works for me.

I have Benighted so Im listening to it again, good song. I see Akerfeldt as having two styles which have two limited ranges. One is very soft and the other is the grim reaper himself, which I find interesting-thats it. He has a great soft voice but not having heard him sing with gusto, ass, hyner, power, grit in his natural voice throughout a large tonal range eliminates him from my top list. He could probably do it well too but is caught up in the death metal specifications & qualifications so he doesnt.

Tates most jaw dropping performances were actually on the EP, The Warning & Rage for Order but w/Mindcrime the work as a whole was better. He was at his best right through Empire, after that they went elswhere and lost the writting magic, still great vocals for an aged master. No one else has come close, as good a Kahn is... nope, Tate was an 11 on the 10 scale, he's 49 now so people can pick him apart and thats good for them I guess :waah:

howdja like me now.......... :heh:
lol what's with all this bashing Akerfeldt, he's an amazing vocalist. I'd like to see Bruce Dickinson switch from an amazing "death vocal" to a clean vocal like he does, it's not as easy as people seem to think it is...especially the way he does it.
If YOU don't like something or think it's rubbish that's it. You are in an immovable musical place. Period. According to your rhetoric, it ain't no good if Razor don't like it. Like I said man, it must suck to be you. Too close-minded. Let's move on. Talkin' to you is like talkin' to a wall.
My rhetoric ? How lame ! Yes I cant stomach that kind of "vocals", so fuckin what ? And yes that means its no good... to me, I'll pretend to scratch my head for a second and then say..... it seems you are the same way, or maybe those conversations never took place. I never said anything about whether anybody else liked it or not. Yes I am a wall, maybe its my Celtic roots and you calling me closed minded might just be rhetoric. Breath through the nose man......................
This got way off topic because I stated my opinion on "death vocals(:zombie:) " and peeps couldnt take it. It wasnt like I stated 5 death or black metal bands that could be randomly picked to meet the faith they so adorn......... :heh: I get by fine without listening to that rubbish, besides the progressive bands cover that ground and far more, works for me.

That's the thing though. Just because you, personally, don't like guttural vocals, doesn't make them "rubbish". It's as valid a vocal style as clean vocals are.

And as I said before, as much as you'd hate to admit it, clean vocals cannot be used in every circumstance. 99% of the time, the inherent style of black and death metal, doesn't allow for clean vocals. Get over it.

My rhetoric ? How lame ! Yes I cant stomach that kind of "vocals", so fuckin what ? And yes that means its no good... to me, I'll pretend to scratch my head for a second and then say..... it seems you are the same way, or maybe those conversations never took place. I never said anything about whether anybody else liked it or not. Yes I am a wall, maybe its my Celtic roots and you calling me closed minded might just be rhetoric. Breath through the nose man......................
I can't stand the majority of classic rock, but you don't see me prattling on about how it's "garbage", every chance I get. I can respect the fact that a lot of people here would appreciate it.

All I'm saying is, you're on a forum dedicated to metal. There are a lot of black and death metal fans on these boards. If you're going to rant on about how you don't like guttural vocals, which are essential to those genres, don't expect to not get slagged for it.

But... I think we need to drop this, and get back on the topic.
Im not on a death metal or black metal page, its a non metal page. I would'nt go to a death metal section and say anything. I dont go on any of them infact. Theres nothing there for me, would'nt make sense. Once again there is alot of metal where the dudes sing and they do not sing clean. This thread seemed to be aimed happily at bashing bands, I stated a vocal style that I dont like and it is rubbish in my opinion. I said nothing about developing the tecnique or denied that it must be done. I said nothing about people that listen to it. I'm really not upset at all though the one dude was just attacking me and offered nothing. The rest of you are fine except bent way out of shape because I just cant listen to the stuff. Hey, I checked it out, didnt like it and walked away. Now everyone knows I like sung vocals, its not the end of the world unless "narrow mindedness" takes over and brick walls are built to defend the world from independent opinion.
Kill all bands that have strayed from their roots, like Opeth, In Flames, Children of Bodom, etc... They made some brilliant stuff in the beginning but turned into a product and was simplified for general audiences...
Opeth, In Flames, Children of Bodom

I don't about In Flames, but I don't think the other two are very good examples. I don't think Bodom's last album was bad, actually. I'm just saying I think there are better examples out there. You really hope they die just because they changed their style...?
bands change, people mature, look for or find an interest in other means of expression, sometimes things just come out, not knowing where they came from, finish it and record it, nothing new in the history there. sometimes artists just dry up and just cant find that something new and different, when they do their fanbase might get upset because they wanted another song just like _____ , only different. creativity just doesnt work like a switch
I'd also like to bring the hammer down on the so-called current "bloodbath" before they release something stupid. >.>
Talkin' to a fuckin' wall. If you are going to "bash" Death or Black/metal vocals, What do you think, everyone will just stop and agree. If your gong to make those "personal opinions" than be aware that people will have their own. Answer the questions that are asked of you, quit twisting shit around. Your really starting to get on my fuckin' nerves. You offer no substantiation or back-up for anything you claim. I'm done with this bullshit! Oinkness, take your avatar's advice and get the funk out. Your posts rarely contain any "musical knowledge" Yeah, I'm talkin' to you Razor.
dude you need to look into your comprehension skills, as well as figure out whats eating you. I thought you were in your 50's but your behaving like a child that didnt get his/her own way. I didnt back up my feelings on the matter ? Learn to understand what is written and then learn to accept others peoples opinions. Though its probably too late if these are your reactions... still... after all these years.

I havent got a freakin clue what your pissed off about other than I didnt concede to your.... apparently.... demands

But here... If it will make your tantrum stop. I just love it when vocalists go growling and grumbling into a microphone. It enhances the riffs behind it so much that I will never listen to any other kind of music again in my life. Screw that singing shit, anybody can do that, its so freakin lame anyhow. I'd rather have conversations with satan, the grim reaper and pissed off screaming, yelling mortals anyday as opposed to those that speak in a normal voice, screw them assholes I have no idea whats wrong with them. After all these generations you would think mankind would evolve beyond that lame assed shit and speak to each other with anger from beyond the mortal realm...... that would be so cool. :notworthy

thing is Im not alone in my metal listening tastes, nor the first one to bring it up, but thats OK I have a strong back and equally strong mind. Im comfortable. This has been most enlightning, Im proud of those that dealt so well with it. :rolleyes:
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