5 bands that should be PUT TO DEATH!

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Sorry, old school boy here that believes good singing is good singing and mutated monotone noise, is mutated monotone noise. I have sampled many bands that had musicians with great ability and suddenly this mutated non musical sound would begin being transmitted through a microphone and I would very shortly click stop, right click, click delete and never venture into that bands music again. I'm into music, not mutations, not horror stories and not wannabe big bad sick tuff boys that have never nor could ever tow the line (POSERS). I'm well aware of the "heritage" of "black metal" and "death metal", great chapters in the history of mankind, must be the pride of the white race ? Dont expect it to rub off on me. Linkin Park, Slipknot and Korn are not on my listening list and I'd fail to even be able to give a song title. I know at least Korn was a band that made me sick the first time I was "exposed".

As my search for new music continues I find a rare band here and there that is worth listening to, they all have real vocalists, until then I will contiues to listen to and enjoy my favorite older bands that are serious musicians as well as s serious vocalists that step up to the microphone and actually sings.... you know.... music..... varying pitches, melodic, rhythmic and expressive presentation with at least decent timbre and range.

The rest are just idiots trying to pose to a target cult market.
I am a singer so I prefer bands where the vocalist actually sing. I like progressive, power and symphonic metal bands the most since they are most likely to have actual singers.
I like Rob Halfords vocals the best. I can listen to the other types of vocals in bands: Nile, Immortal, Slayer, Kreator, etc but I do prefer listing to Judas Priest and King Diamond for the vocals.

I suppose different vocals suit different sounds but some do bore me so much that I can't listen to the song for very long. The extreme the metal the more boring I find the vocals usually, unless it's screaming or works as a bit of a hook somehow.
favorite vocalists in metal are ...... old .... lol
Geoff Tate (Queensryche) #1
Russell Allen (Symphony X) #2 I believe is currently the best metal vocalist
Zach Stevens (Savatage) #3
no particular order
Ronnie James Dio
Jon Oliva (Savatage)
Dave Mustaine
Bruce Dickinson
James LaBrie
Ray Alder (Fates Warning)
James Hetfield
Rob Halford

some of the old pop(commercial) metal bands had great vocalists but most noteworthy was Michael Matijevic of Steelheart

hardrock/commercial metal
Sammy Hagar #1 throughout his career
Steven Tyler great hardrock voice
the young Robert Plant was #1 but Sammy & Steve held up their whole career
I always liked Ian Gillan and still do but he's not what he was... naturally.
The dude that sang for Uriah Heep... um.... David Bryon was great in the studio but sucked live, he was a drunk. Wanna hear an older dude that can still sing, its Heeps current vocalist Bernie Shaw check out some recent Uriah Heep live performances on youtube
James Dewar of Robin Trowers band....... excellent! #1 when Im listening to Trower
Steve Perry had a phenominal voice but Journeys music was a bit too lame at times
Steve Marriot of Humble Pie was great and preceeded even Robert Plant in the history of gritty, wailing rock singers though they both achieved world wide popularity around the same time

theres alot of other great vocalists even today but somehow they seem more like "influenced by" names I just mentioned, these guys were/are standouts in my listening history

some of the grunge era dudes were great too.... (not Cobain)
Roy Khan is a great vocalist.

yes he is, he fills a void left as Geoff Tate grew older and lost some of his youthful tone as well as moved away from the heavier stuff. Wanna hear the best vocalist ever (my opinion) find some Queensryche videos from '85 thru 90. Child of Fire is a good one, the MTV unpluged ones are too, when he was in his mature prime but "metal heads" might not enjoy the layed back feel of some of those songs. Theres also a few black and white poorer quality videos in there that show them doing their origional EP stuff on some local stage in Seattle I believe. There you will see a frontman that knew how to dominate a stage. Primitive but powerfull stuff.
@ Bloodsword, Who is your avatar?
To be honest , I really don't know. I don't have a digital camera so I can't upload a photo. A while back, my girlfriend and I were floating around on-line, and she said, "use this guy as your avatar because there is a strong resemblance to you, Honey." And whenever she uses the term Honey, I know what's next. You know what I mean? So, she suggested it and I put it down. I wish I knew who it was. I do thing it's a musician though.
So if you remove this avatar you will never get laid again?:lol:

He kind of looks Portuguese. Maybe a member of Moonspell? I dunno. Definitely from a gothic/doom band if indeed he is a musician.
Sorry, old school boy here that believes good singing is good singing and mutated monotone noise, is mutated monotone noise. I have sampled many bands that had musicians with great ability and suddenly this mutated non musical sound would begin being transmitted through a microphone and I would very shortly click stop, right click, click delete and never venture into that bands music again. I'm into music, not mutations, not horror stories and not wannabe big bad sick tuff boys that have never nor could ever tow the line (POSERS). I'm well aware of the "heritage" of "black metal" and "death metal", great chapters in the history of mankind, must be the pride of the white race ? Dont expect it to rub off on me. Linkin Park, Slipknot and Korn are not on my listening list and I'd fail to even be able to give a song title. I know at least Korn was a band that made me sick the first time I was "exposed".

As my search for new music continues I find a rare band here and there that is worth listening to, they all have real vocalists, until then I will contiues to listen to and enjoy my favorite older bands that are serious musicians as well as s serious vocalists that step up to the microphone and actually sings.... you know.... music..... varying pitches, melodic, rhythmic and expressive presentation with at least decent timbre and range.

The rest are just idiots trying to pose to a target cult market.
lol... to paraphrase the old adage, "faggots hate death metal because it hurts their pussies."
theres alot of shit "vocalists" today just check into any death or black metal scene, the metal scene in general has gone to shit because no one can sing

Dragonfarce is the most pathatic lameass excuse for a bnnd that exists, anyone that doesnt hear it needs to check the wires running between the ear and brain
Wow, this just shows me, you don't know what your talking about, man. I suggest strongly that you spend some time with Opeth's "Damnation." from 2003. Although, this is "a vocally clean" album(as you know Mr Akerfeldt sings "death" vocals as well) I challenge you to find a better vocalist in any fuckin' genre of music after you've listened to this.
So if you remove this avatar you will never get laid again?:lol:

He kind of looks Portuguese. Maybe a member of Moonspell? I dunno. Definitely from a gothic/doom band if indeed he is a musician.
No, my friend, I've always been fortunate in the female arena. By the way, I dig your album banner it contains possibly 2 of my favorite albums ever that being-Agalloch-"The Mantle" and Down-"N.O.L.A."
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