5 bands that should be PUT TO DEATH!

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Yeah there are some bands I sorta grew out of. Like Linkin Park. I used to like all their songs, now I only really like some of them. But still they have used scratching at a higher level than any Rap group or any other musical group has done.

And yeah Nickelback doesn't deserve the shit they get. In my opinion they are ok. I can't find anything irritating about their music but not much good either. I do like some of their songs though. But the reason why they're hated is because they are mainstream.
They have some great riffs, grooves and clever lyrics that come together good. They take a bad rap for a few songs that are supposedly identical but I've heard the thing where their played over top of each other and they are not identical. However these are their "pop" songs and similarity has never been uncommon in this formula. Hate trends are just as poppy as pop. Its popular to hate such bands and someone who doesnt is in threat of being cast out of their peer group and have their hormone level in question. I prefer independant thought. Now going back to my younger days it was quite popular to be a "Kiss" fan but I never liked but a few of their songs and was quite comfortable standing on the outside looking in. Hate clubs were not common at that time and everyone just kinda took everything as it came and accepted it. Hate clubs are a cyber phenom, a new, easily accessable form of gossip and peer pressure.
2)The Hoosiers
3)Scissor Sisters (for the music)
5)A huge band containing everyone WHO HATES: Judas Priest, classic metal, power metal, anything with normal vocals, Immortal, Britain oh and the band has all the homophobes in it.

I quite agree with everything... 'cept Oasis. Most of my favorite modern non-metal albums have been by Oasis and Radiohead, among others.
Oh, and just so you know, #5 MIGHT ACTUALLY BE #4... there are certainly enough members to fit the criteria.
Bleeding Through is very aggressive. I find their stuff pretty awesome.
They sound like most metalcore and the lyrics...ick..but I can't say I don't listen to them...I think I actually saw them during the summer..yah..they opened for slayer and marilyn manson

at the moment:

The Locust
Children Of Bodom
Bikini Kill

I personally like COB...
1. MCR (Do I even need an explanation?)
2. Limp Bizkit (NO)
3. Fallout Boy (See MCR)
5. Country (as a genre, seriously, fuck that)
You can't hate Limp Bizkit, they made the Rock version of the Hokey Pokey (sarcasm).

Souljaboy: I agree, its more the dance that is known than the song, at least its not like other Hip-Hop dances today. Which involve 2 muscles.

Country: Mainstream Country today is horrible but its better than the Rap and Rock of todays mainstream. But there is good Country, the underground kind and the older stuff. My sister is really into Country and the stuff she played that wasn't mainstream was actually pretty good.

Fall Out Boy: I have to do a project in English, writing a persuasion paper. But it has to be something most people disagree with, so I might write it about why Fall Out Boy sucks and is overrated.
Souljaboy: I agree, its more the dance that is known than the song, at least its not like other Hip-Hop dances today. Which involve 2 muscles.

Obviously you've never seen any. It's pretty intense.

5. Country (as a genre, seriously, fuck that)

Lol... honestly, country is funny as hell to listen to sometimes...
I just found out Hawthorne Heights guitarist just died, the band was mentioned in this thread.
Solja Boy: He should burn. I fucking hate that song whatever the fuck its called, I can't go anywhere without some dipshit blasting it on his car.
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