5 bands that should be PUT TO DEATH!

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Nickelback - it's recently been found that not only do they suck, but they rip their own songs off.

Theory Of A Deadman - They sound like Nickelback.

My Chemical Romance - "I hate emo music" - Gerard Way


I can't really think of a definite fifth because so many come to mind, but these bands came close

Bleeding Through - They're SO bad and the only reason they're not up there is because the chick in the band is really hot:lol:

Metallica - I'm sorry but them being put to death would save their legacy...St.Anger was enough torture, we don't need a new album.
Bleeding Through is very aggressive. I find their stuff pretty awesome.
2)The Hoosiers
3)Scissor Sisters (for the music)
5)A huge band containing everyone WHO HATES: Judas Priest, classic metal, power metal, anything with normal vocals, Immortal, Britain etc
2)The Hoosiers
3)Scissor Sisters (for the music)
5)A huge band containing everyone WHO HATES: Judas Priest, classic metal, power metal, anything with normal vocals, Immortal, Britain oh and the band has all the homophobes in it.[/QUOTE]

whos that?
I think Nirvana should've been put to death before. As much as I like them they completely pushed Metal out of the mainstream (bands like Metallica and stuff). Now Grunge (being associated with Emo) is no longer mainstream. Thanks a lot Nirvana. Push away Metal from mainstream music and pretty much fall along with it. If Nirvana never existed, Metal would still be in the mainstream. Metal wouldnt've been associated with Emo so it wouldn't have been a turnoff to preppy kids. But whatever theres nothing I can do about it.

funny to see people that start bash threads get their panties all in a bunch when someone cuts down bands they like. Just another page in the ignorant hypocrisy of the human race.... makes me proud............
I've heard that none of those new Poppy bands like that are "Emo". "Emo" is a different kind of music. Much more heavy & emotional. Many "Emo" singers used to break down & cry on stage during concerts :lol: Bands were being quoted as being "Emo" falsely & then it just stuck. It's the same way people used to falsely call bands like Godsmack Metal when they first started coming out. In case you guys don't know, plenty of people still call Godsmack Metal.

I'm devinitely no ultimate authority here, but Wiki had very interesting insight on that.


MCR isn't even Pop. Well they're popular in the group of anti conformists who conform by not conforming. But yeah most bands that "Emo" kids like aren't even Emo. Those idiots think they're so unique and Punk and cool for wearing black and shit. Usually Emos grow out of being Emo, just like Wiggers. I've never seen a wigger or Emo over age 17.

funny to see people that start bash threads get their panties all in a bunch when someone cuts down bands they like. Just another page in the ignorant hypocrisy of the human race.... makes me proud............

So now Godsmack and I suppose Disturbed are not "metal"

lets see... how many genres of metal are we up to in todays know it all world ? The same know it alls that decided the variety of 80's metal is no longer metal but 80's hardrock........ however the hardrock bands of the 70's were metal....... its just too much to keep up with, I think we need to determine if water is really water, it just seems wrong that in the "new millenium" we should still be calling water water...... no ? I find it hard to feel important when Im still using the same old terms to describe objects that I was using twenty years ago. I need to feel important, Im going to burn all the dictionaries, cast a spell rendering all humans speechless and start a new language with new definations....... then I will be important.
Ok... So are you saying whats considered 70's Hard Rock like Zeppelin is Metal. Because my dad told me about the whole start of Heavy Metal. And everyone I know who was alive in that era describes Zeppelin as Metal.
1. ICP
2. Good Charlotte
3. Helmet
4. Kisschasy
5. Linkin Park

And as to that thing about people not liking these sorts of bands because they fans suck i agree with. but i still do like a couple of them like slipknot and Korn, but alot of their fans suck balls.
shitttt i like icp =]
but i really think that
1. simple plan
2. nickleback
3. good charlotte
4. green day
5. mcr
should be put to death =]
And as to that thing about people not liking these sorts of bands because they fans suck i agree with. but i still do like a couple of them like slipknot and Korn, but alot of their fans suck balls.

Yeah, I like Led Zeppelin and The Beatles and Hendrix, but a lot of their fans who are in my age group are so annoying. "Modern music sucks blah blah blah" just shut the fuck up. I find that Korn fans are fine if you don't bash Korn, but Slipknot fans are always saying "they're Death Metal". Same goes for Linkin Park fans, I think the reason why some Metalheads have such a hard time with these bands is because they have a hard time with their fans, and thats because whenever those bands are mentioned they say the band sucks instinctively.

Lots of Metalheads I know always say Korn, Slipknot etc. suck if someone talks about them, and they always get a "shut the fuck up from them". Lots of Metalheads I know are completely assholes to fans of bands they don't like. If a person is cool and interesting and fun to hang out with I will like them, even if their favorite band is Fall Out Boy.

1. simple plan
2. nickleback
3. good charlotte
4. green day
5. mcr

Simple Plan gives Pop-Punk a horrible image, thats why I hate them, and their music too.
I dunno about Nickelback, I find their stuff better than most pop groups today.
Good Charlotte, sucks the end.
Green Day, new = bad, old = good.
When I listened to MCR I just couldn't understand why a lot of people like them.
MCR isn't even Pop. Well they're popular in the group of anti conformists who conform by not conforming. But yeah most bands that "Emo" kids like aren't even Emo. Those idiots think they're so unique and Punk and cool for wearing black and shit. Usually Emos grow out of being Emo, just like Wiggers. I've never seen a wigger or Emo over age 17.


Can you tell me some real emo bands. I've never tried looking up.
1 - Green Day (I don't care if it's new or old, sucks either way IMO.)
2 - Drop Dead Gorgeous (A friend of mine listens to junk like this. And thinks they're so damn metal. Ugh.)
3 - The Killers (They just suck.)
4 - 50 Cent (Like all other mainstream rap, all of his music is boring and monotonous, and the vocals are shitty.)
5 - Any country artist. (See the caption for 50 Cent.)
Simple Plan gives Pop-Punk a horrible image, thats why I hate them, and their music too.
I dunno about Nickelback, I find their stuff better than most pop groups today.
Good Charlotte, sucks the end.
Green Day, new = bad, old = good.
When I listened to MCR I just couldn't understand why a lot of people like them.

ill admit when i was younger
around 4-5years ago, i DID listen to the ollddd green day
i sorta just grew out of them, and got introduced into metal
nickelback, mehh i mean i honestly dont like them
and i wouldnt listen to them by choice
but there deffinitly not the worst band out there
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