5 bands that should be PUT TO DEATH!

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#4. Black and worthless

Insane Clown Posse, that's all you need to know. I'm not going to get into it, just google them.

And yes Ratt owns. Gypsy Road is one of the best rock songs ever.

i hope thats a joke because gypsy road is cinderella
My Chemical Romance

For their music and the fact that people argue over whether they're Emo or not. I really don't fucking care and the constant arguement about it just pisses me off. MCR hates Emo, they called it a pile of shit. The End.
2. Bob Segar
4. Steve Miller Band
5. Creed and anything associated with them.

I don't think those are that bad. I went back about 6 months ago & relearned a couple of Creed songs & they weren't that bad. Their first album was decent for what it was.

About Fall Out Boy, I've been told point blank by some good sources that they are indeed Pop-Punk. They don't have to sound like Sum 41 to be Pop-Punk. Take Megadeth, they're Thrash yet they don't sound like any other Thrash bands. Whatever their classification is they suck though.

I agree about the "I hate 'X' band because their fans suck" bit being retarded though. Rate a band based on their music, not their popularity. It's true that not much "popular" music will appeal to MetalHeads, but I definitely have a few guilty pleasures. There are people (some on this board I'm sure) who would not listen to a band if they sell their music at F.Y.E. with the exception of Black Sabbath.

"If it's semi-popular, it sucks" is a fucking airheaded non-conformist mentality that doesn't take much thinking. It's easier to think like that than to actually be able to listen to & analyze other kinds of music you don't normally listen to & pick out what you might like about it. I definitely don't listen to popular music myself much & I won't give Rap the time of day, but there's stuff out there I can bear in more popular genres.
My Chemical Romance

For their music and the fact that people argue over whether they're Emo or not. I really don't fucking care and the constant arguement about it just pisses me off. MCR hates Emo, they called it a pile of shit. The End.

I've heard that none of those new Poppy bands like that are "Emo". "Emo" is a different kind of music. Much more heavy & emotional. Many "Emo" singers used to break down & cry on stage during concerts :lol: Bands were being quoted as being "Emo" falsely & then it just stuck. It's the same way people used to falsely call bands like Godsmack Metal when they first started coming out. In case you guys don't know, plenty of people still call Godsmack Metal.

I'm devinitely no ultimate authority here, but Wiki had very interesting insight on that.

"If it's semi-popular, it sucks" is a fucking airheaded non-conformist mentality that doesn't take much thinking.

I like semi-popular bands that make one or two mainstream songs. Like Arctic Monkeys, American Hi-Fi, Motion City Soundtrack. I even like some bands that are liked by the anti conformists who conform by not conforming. Flyleaf is the only one of those bands I regularily listen to though. Their guitarist is decent.
Can only think of one band who I'd really like to see die, and thats Fall Out Boy. I mean yeah, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, P!ATD and MCR are bad, but id be happy if they lost a few limbs or something.
Any unsigned band that thinks they will be noticed as a unique musician by mixing genres that shouldn't be mixed. I heard Experimental Hard Rock Reggae, the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Some bands have a really good sound and try to just add something completely different to it because they think it will make them sound more unique.

They usually add Experimental elements in, theres more to making something Experimental than just fucking around with effects and weird noises.

I know from experience.

By the way people who wonder just why I hate the mainstream when nobody makes me listen to them:

Its because I'd rather turn on the radio and find a new good band or artist like I could do a few years ago. Now I have to search through threads on this forum and others to find good modern bands. It takes a lot longer.
Sadly I think there's more metal bands out there I hate than I actually like. One reason is because I'm pretty picky when it comes to bands, but I also haven't taken the proper time to discover new bands. Anywho...

These are the bands I've grown to hate, in no particular order:
1.Green Day - I can't even consider this a ligitimate band. Yeah, I guess if you were as pretty as Billy Joe you'd get that much attention too.

2.Slipknot - I live in Iowa, so it seems like everyone here adores them. Well, I say fuck 'em. Seriously, 9 band memebers? You could at least kick out five of them. Also, I think that most people love them for their image over their music. I don't think the music is that bad, but it's just their look that annoys me. That probably sounds lame that I'd judge a band for their look, but it has really turned them off to me.

3.Dragonforce - Oh yeah, I brought this one up again. Oops. All I have to say is that when I saw them live at Ozzfest, the singer was redicuously cocky and said things like, "Welcome to Dragonforce, the fastest speed metal band on the earth". No joke. I disliked them before this, but seeing them live totally turned me off to them.

4.Nirvana - When I first started listening to 'metal', (thinking I was cool by listening to Korn and Sublime) I started to get into Nirvana. I realize they're not metal, but they were just one of those ever so popular, lets throw this in your face because Kurt Cobain died. Yeah, who cares? I really don't think it took much talent to be in that band. No body gave a shit about any of the other band members until Kurt died. He made that band, but I didn't really see anything special about him. If you could strum a guitar, write lyrics about nothing, and sing like you're dying, then you could be the perfect replacement.

Ok, I'll stop explaining here and just go on to list the other bands I dislike/hate.
Plain White T's, Bullet for my Valentine, Evanescence, Job for a Cowboy, Bring me the Horizon...Ugh, there's so many more. I'll just have to come back and rant later. Basically, I hate most nu metal bands...but doesn't everyone else?
Nirvana didn't take talent but neither did Punk really. Its just one of those types of music you like because its fun.
Here's my list, not in any order;

Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
Panic At The Disco
Blue October
Bullet For My Valentine
Hawthorne Heights
Avril Lavigne
Good Charlotte
Cobra Starship

etc, etc, etc....
I think Nirvana should've been put to death before. As much as I like them they completely pushed Metal out of the mainstream (bands like Metallica and stuff). Now Grunge (being associated with Emo) is no longer mainstream. Thanks a lot Nirvana. Push away Metal from mainstream music and pretty much fall along with it. If Nirvana never existed, Metal would still be in the mainstream. Metal wouldnt've been associated with Emo so it wouldn't have been a turnoff to preppy kids. But whatever theres nothing I can do about it.

If it hadn't been Nirvana or grunge, it would've been someone or something else. Popular music preferences changes every few years. A genre becomes popular, then bands start doing that genre until eventually you get ones that are more style than substance and are basically copies of copies of other bands or artists, and metal is no exception. Right before Nirvana came along, there were some bands that were at least claimed to be "metal" that were getting airplay out the ass, such as Giant, Nelson, and Mr. Big, that had no substance at all. Hell, even Pat Boone did an album of metal coverss! Once the mainstream record industry gets a hold of a genre, they basically manipulate it and water it down until it has little resemblence to its original sound, which really survives in the more underground bands.

#4. Black and worthless

Insane Clown Posse, that's all you need to know. I'm not going to get into it, just google them.

And yes Ratt owns. Gypsy Road is one of the best rock songs ever.

"Gypsy Road" was done by Cinderella.
Here's my list, not in any order;

Fall Out Boy
My Chemical Romance
Panic At The Disco
Blue October
Bullet For My Valentine
Hawthorne Heights
Avril Lavigne
Good Charlotte
Cobra Starship

etc, etc, etc....

how could you hate cobra starship? lol they just make me laugh.
Fall out boy (no explanation needed)
The killers (because i hate them)
Foo Fighters (because their last good song was released like last cenury)
Pussycat Dolls (all of them but the lead chick who is hot)
Mindless Self indulgence (A combination of techno, pop, punk and a whole lot of bullshit!)
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