5 best drumproductions ever


Mar 11, 2005
:headbang: Last week it was the 5 best productions ever. This week it´s the 5 best drumsounds ever.

1. Judas priest : Painkiller: just listen to the intro on the title track and you will know why.

2. Nevermore : Dead heart in a dead world : So powerfull and clear, it shows why triggers are cool if used probberly.

3. Machine head : Burn my eyes : it sounds real and powerfull.

4. Suffocation : Pierced from within : Scott burns´s drumproductions mostly sounds crappy in todays standards but they really sounds heavy and cool on this heavy as fuck album.

5. Fear factory : demanufacture : so cold and so fucking machinelike, awsome.
any tool album(all around quality at its finest)
lamb of god- ashes of the wake(huge)
chimaira- impossability of reason(good metal sound)
shadows fall-the war within(bittner is awesome and zuess get a good drum sound)
led zepplin- all(awesome and heavy with super groove)
Sure looks like we have totally different points of view regarding a "good" drum sound. I tendo to like tight, non very resonant, very bassy and punchy TOMS; tight, clicky but bassy and concise BASSDRUMS; organic and dry SNARES; etc... and all the variations in between, as you will notice in my list below:

1) Arch Enemy: Anthems Of Rebellion and Wages Of Sin
2) Exodus: Tempo Of The Damned
3) Annihilator: Carnival Diablos
4) Slayer: Diabolus In Musica
5) Stratovarius: Episode
This is my "heavy" list only. I have other picks but they would not fit in on this forum...
Tool - Lateralus (sweet organic 'real' sounding kit)
Pantera - Vulgar Display (thin by todays standards but massive accurate attack)
Machine Head - Burn My Eyes (no comment needed sounds huge!!!)
Helmet - Aftertaste (not their best album, but the drums make the grooves, snare is awesome, Sardy made that kit soud excellent)
Skinlab - DIsembodied (not my fave band or sneap album, but jesus these drums are big and loud!)
In no particular order...

Soulscar - Victim Impact Statement: I'm sure most of you have never heard of this band, but they're on Galy Records, a Canadian label with distro through CM Distro. Great metal, kind of like the perfect synthesis between Carcass, SYL, Nevermore, and Annihilator. But anyways, there's almost this kind of treble boost on the drums that makes them punchier than the normal metal drums, but it's tough to say what exactly it is. I just think it sounds awesome... http://www.soulscar.com

Amon Amarth - Versus the World: I honestly wish these guys had stayed at Berno Studios for the Fate of Norns album, but oh well... This album has the most punishing, war-like drum sound I've ever heard in my life. The tom work from AA's drummer is amazing, and he is a highly-underrated performer.

Strapping Young Lad - City: It's Gene, it's clear, it's heavy as fuck. That says it all.

Kataklysm - Shadows & Dust: If you haven't figured it out, I like those deep-sounding war drums. Another great example of this, as well as one of the finest examples of how to put a groove under a trem-picked riff (the breakdown in "Illuminati").
Hard to tell really... I'll try to give the albums I remember thinking "Wow, what a drum sound !!!" when I first listened to them (even if I may now not find some of them as good as I did)... Must probably forget some very important ones...

Dream Theater "Awake"
Machine Head "Burn my Eyes"
Illdisposed "1-800 Vindication"
Testament "The Gathering"
Cradle of Filth "Vempire..."
Metallica "Metallica"
Nightwish "Once"
Children of Bodom "Hate Crew Deathroll"
Sinergy "To Hell and Back"
Stratovarius "Elements Part I"
(mmmm, I guess I like the finish drum sound ;))
Death- Sound of Perseverance (yep, Gene again..)
36 Crazy Fists- Snow Capped romance. (Not "crazy" about them, but great drum sound")
Decapitated- Nihility (If you really like that sampled sound)
Grip Inc- Nemesis (Analog Lombardo, nuff said)
Metallica- ...And Justice For All (you know you love the kick).. damn sellouts..
1. Motley Crue - Motley Crue (Bob Rock - and it rocks! Ambiance en masse as well as that stuff he did with overcompressing the hihat. Indeed powerful. Listen to "Hooligans Holiday")
2. King's X - Dogman (Brendan O'Brien - simply amazing. I heard he used a PA system on the drums in the studio)
3. Jeff Lynne - everything he does. I am smply in love with his way of producing. Listen to ELO - Time or some newer stuff like Tom Petty. Maybe not metal, but it rocks!
4. POD - Satelite (Chris Lord-alge - compression god)
5. Andy Wallace - just nearly everything he does
A bit OT, but it's kinda funny that I just 2 days ago had a discussion with a band that's in my studio right now... They were divided in two parts where one of the parts believed that Richard Christy is just a brilliant drummer and that intro on that album ("Sound Of Perseverance") is close to being genius, whereas the otehr part, including me, thinks that this intro just plain suck - it lacks time, and sounds like something went completely wrong... That you can't say about Gene or Shaun, or Chris Reifert for that matter.
Well, actually Richard plays such complex things sometimes (5 or 7 hits per beat instead of the usual 3,4 or 6) that it may seem wrong, but actually it is very very very impressive... And he does the same live... Not very straightforward, but technically untouchable...
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
:hotjump:ARGH NO, BLASPHEMY !!!

Richard Christy on the drums here !!! Their drum styles are not even close to each other, how could you ?!!!! ;)

Man, I can't believe I said that either. I know perfectly well who plays on what album. I meant to reference the Symbolic album (awesome drum sound). However, Christy's tones on Sound Of Perseverance are good too. Very natural sounding. Evil Chuck is gonna haunt me and slap me around for mixing up these guys. It's ok, I deserve it. :erk:
I've never really taken into account the "sound" of the drums, let alone if their sample or natural. I usually take note of how well the drummer propells the music or how much he himself stands out. So going back and listening to what tunes I have on my compter and my collection, hers what I've come up with.

1. Quo Vadis "Day Into Night" The first thing noticed apon hearing them some time was was, "Damn, that bassdrum is tight. Better yet, that drummer is dead one!!" Yanic :headbang:

2. Cryptospy "..And Then You'll Beg" We all know about Flo and the mad skills. I was at first going to say his sound on "None So Vile", but "..And Then You'll Beg" is the first Cryptopsy album I heard and I was like blown anyway by his sound. So much going on on the kit and good clarity. Of cours a bit sampled on the bassdrum but oh well.

3. Death "Human" Sean Reinert's kit is just right. Tight, punchy, pouding.

4. Morbid Angel "Covenant" The beginning of "Rapture" is just....WOW. The drums are what make that song roll. Although looking back the drums don't so their best, but for me, and in the early 90's, it was HUGE

5. Commit Suicide "Synthetics" Clean, natural, tight. The sound of Birch. Plus "Lee", or Aaron, which ever you want to call his a damn fine drummer and nice guy.

So yeah, no ground breaking sounds I'm sure, but some of my favs. :headbang: