5 minutes in the life of Timothy Prescott

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Recently at school we had to create an ''audio story''. We had to write a short scenario and create a ''soundtrack'' to it.

Our scenario was about a guy named Timothy Prescott, living in 2069. Robots are controlling the world, and humans have to work for them. In this short story, we hear what is a day in the life of Timothy. His schedule is something like that:

1- Waking up, getting prepared for his job at the factory
2- Walking to the factory
3- Working
4- Dinner where he meets his fantasm, Annette CorpsNichons (french people will get it :Saint:)
5- Working again
6- Walking back to home
7- Going to bed

Approximatively half the sounds were recorded by us ( like all those when he's getting prepared for his job), the other half is SFX from various soundbanks.

The sounds recorded by us were recorded with a sm7b or a Sony PCM-D90.

Here's the link if you wanna hear it : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/317666/timothy-final-mp3.mp3

You HAVE to listen to it until the end. You cannot imagine how much I was laughing my ass of during the last 5 seconds, when all the class was hearing it and wondering what it was. You will understand when you'll hear it :D.