5 star review in Finnish mag


Jan 20, 2002
Atlanta, Georgia
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Finnish Soundi magazine gave full 5 stars to Night Is The New Day. Review is in Finnish (not available at www.soundi.fi yet) but I did my best to translate and catch the essence of the review:

"When Katatonia transforms night into day, not even sky is the limit. The Great Cold Distance, the previous album of Swedish band was the celebration of gloom and now Katatonia points out how many different faces sadness can have.

With the new album Katatonia is like comforting father who caresses you gently after understanding to how paranoid state he has led you with last two albums. Katatonia spreads soothing comfort, where innermost part is picking you as mind haven't coped after all. At the same time Katatonia focuses on himself and lashes his own thoughts as well. This time worries and heartaches take universal direction. Katatonia places a question, how is mankind able to bare and survive the future, when there is little hope. Katatonia is woeful, and let's you hear it.

Night Is The New Day
is the most broad-minded, versatile, and consistent Katatonia album. Band shows that black is not only black, and band's melodic painting has colors that you won't find from ordinary color palettes."

Not quite the "ordinary" review, right?

Can't help but think that the person who reviewed it just loves the band and haven't actually heard the album. Probably not the case, but it just seems like it.

Another review, people doubt.

Lets not forget that so far I have heard nothing but astonishment at the new album.

No shit im a fan, and I will be more so after this album.

Im also a PL fan and lost interest after the last few, so it aint about being a fan that counts here.