5 working class meals/ways to die

You cunt I was gonna get straight in there with the fish fingers and chips. Right

Pie Dinner / Colonic Cancer
Crisp Butty / Asthma Attack
Cheap Sausage, Netto Sketti ALDI Oven Chips / Head Trauma
Corned Beef Hash + Brarn Sarce / Fall into meat grinder
Pot Noodle / Intestine Trauma
mini kievs beans and waffles/carbon monoxide poisoning
hp full english breakfast in a tin/suicide
somerfield beef stew for one/pulmonary embolism
sayers meat and tater pastie (reheated) and beans/falling out of a tree
chicken nuggets and chips/trapped in an industrial oven
bread-and-fat with onions / slipping and banging your head into the kerbside
paprika potatoes / electric shock by a Color Star television set
pasta with potatoes / third class burning
potatoes with onion / choking in a solvent inhalant plastic bag
popcorn / getting chopped up by an industrial fan
forget the food, let's die:

1) jumping of a 10 story apartment building and being able to look under the dress of a girl walking by just before you hit the ground
2) slice your wrists with two new razorblades bought at the drug store, you feel like fainting when the blood gushes out
3) take a shitload of sleeping pills and tape a plastic bag around your neck
4) old age (?)
5) run around the back of the bus to just catch it, but don't notice the bus parking right behind your bus - squash!
cheese on toast (onion optional depends how working class you are)/melting in a volcacno
chips and curry / inhale toxic fumes
hotpot / burried alive (die of suffocation)
ham butties / hacked to death with cleaver
beans bacon and sausage / death by infected ingrowing toemail.
bleed_black_orchid said:
forget the food lets die?? not a very optimistic outlook Alwin.. have you not yet discovered the wonders of a jam buttie.
can you choke on that?
Bambi said:
my old mans a jaffa
he wears a jaffa hat
on the twelfth of july
he dresses like a twat

its fine until it gets to the third line and then i loose the tune..

'and on the 12th day of july / he dresses like a twat'