5150, G12H50, EMG, API, Lavry AD10 sample


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hello guys,

Just to share.
just did a quick test of my new converters (Lavry AD-10) during a rehearsal :

This was really quick, done in 5 minutes, we used my 5150, the guitar was an ESP Horizon with EMG pickups. We added a Maxon 808 as a "boost".
The cab was a vintage cab with G12H50 speakers in it, they sound really smooth !! I really like them as an alternative to V30s.

Mic pre was an API 512 going into the Lavry. I don't think the 57 was on the best spot, I just throwed it on the edge of the dustcap:lol:

Don't take care to the tuning or playing.
Sounds great dude! Hope we can get a full mix of that!

Are you sure the speakers aren't G12H30s?? Dunno if I have heard of 50s.


If you're testing the converters it may be a good idea to signal split after the pre and run into your old converters as well as the Lavry. The difference between most converters tends to be so tiny that a direct A/B is the only real way to get the distinction.

On its own merits it sounds fairly pleasant and musical from what I can tell there. No nasty artifacts. I'm sure it was a great purchase.
Thanks guys,

yeah those are G12H50, they are not produced anymore, and the G12H30 seem to be the modern version of those. You can find G12H50 into old Marshall cabs from what I heard.

I used to use Apogee converters and also MOTU HD converters in the past. The Lavry sounds way more full, very smooth and musical, really pleasant. Apogee Rosetta was not bad at all but a bit hyped in the low mids and not so defined in the extreme frequencies. This Lavry is a big step forward into my chain, the dynamic range is quite incredible.