Celestion G12T75 vs elestion V30, samples


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I recorded a guitar test a few days ago, micing my Bogner Uberkab which has Celestion V30 and G12T75 in "X pattern".
Drums are programmed.
We used the song "Drifter" by IN FLAMES, but with a different tuning, for this example.

Chain was :
Gibson Les Paul Studio with EMG pickups => Maxon OD-820 tubescreamer => Peavey 5150 => Bogner Uberkab => SM57 => API pre => Lavry AD10.

Tracked twice and each panned hard. There is a tiny bit of EQ in the DAW, same for each speaker.

Here is the Celestion V30 sample.

Here is the Celestion G12T75 sample.
There is a clear difference to me, I like both but prefer the V30 which sounds more modern and grittier, it's a real sonic pleasure to listen to it :D
If I try to EQ the G12T75 sample it can get quite close to the V30 sample but not as beautiful sounding. I try to EQ my guitars the less possible, (-3 or -4 db cuts/boosts are a maximum, it sounds dead if I try to EQ more)