5150/Mesa Oversized clip - Enslaved


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys,

This is a very short clip that I made with my new rig. I'm knowingly playing it wrong, I made it much more simple than it really is lol.

It's short, but I just wanted to test out some low gain tone.

Chain: Les Paul Standard w/ 500T bridge pickup, 5150: lead channel w/ gain around 1.6, Mesa Oversized w/ an SM57.

Also, the volume was very low, around 1. I bumped the volume up in Logic. I think it came out pretty good.


Thoughts, criticism are appreciated. Thanks!


Edit: Soundclick makes it sound kind of scratchy and harsh. It sounds much warmer.
Wow, I would NOT guess that's a 5150 - sounds more like a Marshall or dare I say even a Fender or something, probably cuz of the (too low IMO) gain level and fizz. Still, it's extremely full and upfront sounding, so that rules, but make it heavier gawdammit!!
Wow, I would NOT guess that's a 5150 - sounds more like a Marshall or dare I say even a Fender or something, probably cuz of the (too low IMO) gain level and fizz. Still, it's extremely full and upfront sounding, so that rules, but make it heavier gawdammit!!

Haha thanks dude, sorry I missed your post. That's what I was going for man! The 5150 can do a lot if you are down for some tweaking and experimenting. It would sound better cranked as well.

Low gain FTW!! Now you have me thinking about my old '68 Super Reverb that I sold. Plug the strat in and it's Stevie Ray Vaughan for days.

