5150 preamp settings

May 8, 2005
Hey guys, since the search engine isn't working I have resorted to asking this question. I have literally spent 4 hours trying to find the thread which supposedly states Akerfeldt's preamp settings on his GT-6. If anyone has them saved on their computer, or has the link, I would be eternally grateful. Thanks.
prowlergrig said:
that thread is almost 2 years old i think. i remember reading it back when i was a noob to these forums...i doubt anyone will find it with the search function being gone

Urghhhhhhhh, that's what I thought someone would say. Well, here's hoping that a search engine will be implemented shortly....
Mumblefood said:

Thanks man, that was a cool little link that I've known for a while now. The cool part is from akerfeldt's reply which states that he doesn't use the effects loop, but instead, opts for one of the 5150 patches and then tweeks it to his tastes. Essentially it's what comprises of the tweeking I'm after -- it's kinda pathetic and I'll be the first one to admit it, but it would be cool to see how the preset patch ends up after its transformation. It's funny that he uses it because of digital aliasing that is so apparent in the patch, and of course because it just sounds so damn awful. However, like anything on the GT's multi-effects, they can all sound half decent in the right hands and the masters of these machines are the the guys from Opeth and of course, the mighty Blackheim from Katatonia. He is the king of the GT-3. :worship:

Hey Mikael, if you're reading this, feel free to chirp in...