Firstly, Jerry I am not trying to argue with you here (or you Sickan or anybody else for that matter), your experience with 5150/6505 (amps in general) is far more substantial than my tinkering.
I should have been a bit clearer with my earlier post. I was biasing very hot and had 2 grid Resistors fail. I replaced them and then had a Ruby 6L6 fail which was what caused the diode to short.
With the Original fixed bias with a Plate Voltage of 507V I had anywhere between 16mA - 26mA (balanced tubes, I think not) so roughly 8 - 13 Watts. I aimed for around a 60% average after the bias mod, so roughly 35mA or around 18 Watts. Quite a difference numberswise.
I quickly threw the mic at the cab and dialled in a quick tone before the mod and recorded a sample (far from a stellar tone

). After I made the mod (about 1 hour later than the original clip), I reamped the same DI's with the same mic position and settings. I had heard (still do hear) many people saying that the bias mod does amazing things so i wanted to hear the actual difference. Well it was not night and day for me.
Samples and photo's are here: Mod Samples.rar
Yes the tone isn't great (as mentioned) but it should allow any difference to be heard. Yes, I did fix the nasty looking solder job on the cap

Again, Jerry or Sickan, not aimed at you. I just find it interesting when all the "bulletin board internet experts" say things like "Bias mod is a huge improvement" or that "preamp tube Brand A sound hugely different than Brand B"........or the like, without any examples to substantiate, when the differences are in fact subtle. I always A/B between preamp tube swaps, powertube swaps, mic preamp's, etc... so I know what the ACTUAL difference's are rather than suffering the placebo effect, or believe internet speculation, or somebody's opinion that they just read off another bulletin board without any actual experience and claimed as their own. I like to quantify things. I am sure I spend too much time proving or comparing, but at least I actually know what the differences are in the end. Long story short, I try not to believe all the hype. There's a lot of exaggerated bullshit out there. Sure, there may be differences, but sometimes the differences aren't as large as you may have been led to believe.
"Clips or it didn't happen"