5150 test + New Song


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I've had this one written in it's current form for a month or two now, not sure where to take it from where it ends, though.

That said, I went ahead and reamped all the tracks I had before through my 5150, as a tone test - I'm liking it so far, but this is by no means final.

Signal chain was JB -> OD808 -> 5150 -> Mesa 2x12 vert -> SM57 -> Firepod.

I wasn't sure how things would sound from a playing standpoint, as I tracked it with a POD, and this was before I got the Strobostomp and an axe with 81's, so I'll probably retrack at least some of it, if just to compare.

There's no bass - I'll add a ghetto one later.

sounds good dude, I like the riffing. Sounds like it needs some 4-6k though, which will help with the stuffiness. EQ it while it playing with the rest of the mix to see how much of this you can rectify.
Experiment with taking some 500-600Hz out, some light high-shelving, and maybe some 4-6k boosts as CJ said.

Most professional releases really keep the low-mids on their guitars under control, and that prevents that sort of nasal, boxy sound.
Sounds good, but did you add low end (or compress low end significantly) in the mix? If you did, try cutting a bit out with EQ exactly one and two octaves above with a slightly wider Q - anywhere between 25% and 75% of what your original boost (or estimated perceived boost from compression) was - and this may reduce some of the boxiness. A cut in 400-600 or so would probably work, but I'd also play with 200-300 at the same time so it doesn't sound too 'humpy' (as a lot of my early, mix-by-numbers-from-Slipperman-chart tinkerings did before I started organizing things by octaves instead of arbitrary ranges and tinkering accordingly) or cut too much in that area; it's not hard to sound anemic by killing too much of one of those ranges, but if you cut a bit out of both and maybe try compressing and cutting lower than that you might wind up with better.

Not that it needs much, of course - it's a good tone, on its own and for the song, and if you have access to an i5 I'd like to hear that as well...

Interesting. Once again I'm given reason to love a JB over an 81. Even though the first clip needed work, there's something about the JB clip that I like better. It sort of has a bit of character to it, as oppose to the 81 which IMO sounds quite generic and boring.

Overall, i'd say both clips seem to have the blanket over them. Maybe all you need is to manage the lowend better and turn the guitars up a bit and you'll be fine.
You've already recieved good advice on both clips, so now it's up to you to choose an ax and go for gold.
I like the first clip more but also agree that it doesn't have enough presence. Maybe try changing the mic position and see where it ends up. Small changes with the mic make big changes in the mix.
I dig the first clip more as well... nice verb on the drums btw Jeff!

All over it does sound good, i feel that the drums could be louder in the first clip, would like to hear that with some ghetto bass yo!

Nice riffage!
I am liking the overall tone. The playing is nice and tight also.:headbang::kickass:

Guitars still sound a bit distant though. I like to listen to CJWalls latest clip as a reference since he has got such a "PUNCH YOU AND GRIND YOUR FACE" tone.

How close to centre is the mic position? Maybe try some more boosting around 3k (for some reason, I like that freq, but what do I know:lol: :lol:) .

I have just bought a Firepod and should have it in the next week or so, so am looking forward to see how different it is for me (different than my current Interface that is). Hopefully it is. :zombie: :loco:

Join the loudness war also for more impact.

Disclaimer: I am a n00b, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I really don't know shart. :heh: Maybe try it though.
I had been panning 100/80/80/100 accross the stereo field for the guitar tracks.. Took some of Mr. Murphy's advice and panned then all 100. Cut/Boosted some of the recommended frequencies, and am really liking where things have headed! Ga-hetto bass added.

original link updated:


Could still use a bit of a high shelf IMO. The lowend seems to be a bit better though.
I'd remove even more low/mids @350-400 and add a tiny bit of air @8-10khz maybe with a shelved eq, maybe not. Removing the low/mids should give more room for the snare body and toms and give enough clarity to the guitars.