6/6/6 - Atlantic City, NJ - Crazyass black/death metal party - Club Dejavu

again i don't really give a shit how much the euro is worth because sweden doesn't use the euro

it's much more important for me to know how much a dollar is worth, i rarely do business in euros (and i love that the dollar is fairly weak atm)
Actually it would have been for the better if we changed right away, we need a unified Europe to hail the heritage and counterweight the states of destruction
except the "unified europe" will turn into a terrible regime of oppression and destruction of individual culture in about 10 years

but yeah, i also voted "yes" to the euro because it's better than the alternative, seeing as exiting the union is not an option at this point
A unified Scandinavia would be my favourite vote but that's not really an option... We'd be big and strong enough for independence in all ways though, which woulld rule. I don't think I was old enough to vote in the EMU question?
Yeah, but then you fuckers would all move up here and accelerate canada's americanization. It's fucking horrible and I hate it. So many people are becoming more and more american. hell, one of my teachers says "ruff" not "roof" and "idear" not "idea".

The last thing I want is a bunch of yankee honkees rolling into my country and ruining it while I still wanna live here at some point down the road. It's bad enough when you americans roll in as tourists, bitch about everything that isn't exactly like the states, generally make compelte assholes of yourselves, and mock our few canadian quirks while IN canada.

Don't even get me started on the hunters, they shoot anything that moves. Deer, M00se, bear, moose, pets, children, livestock. Doesn't matter.

Reason #47970768 why I wanna get the fuck outta north america.

edit: some of this deserves a :p, but the general thought is serious.
Hey, i'm generalizing. I know a lot of you fuckers aren't like that. But it seems all the ones that travel, are like that.

edit: and btw, if I ever meet an american abroad who has a canadian flag on his backpack, trying to pose as canadian. I'm gonna fuck him up... it's my patriotic duty, eh!