6 acoustic tracks up for free download

Originally posted by pagan2002
vinny never even liked it AAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

god help vinny!!!

Originally posted by pagan2002
i'm just made up to play it with antimatter..we know the score dont we lads?

I may be wrong, but he dislikes more songs on A4...

why only Fragile Dreams and Empty at gigs, such a great album... :o
who knows,maybe vinny hates re-connect too:) :)
(very good for concerts btw)
nevermind,the fact that nevr liked lost control is outrageous!
its the same if someone comes and tell me i dont like *wish you were here*
Slayer and Anathema have one certain thing in common.... Slayer should start their gigs playing whatever the fuck they want to and finish up with the whole Reign In Blood album.... the same with Anathema... start with a few new ones, a few older ones and the final 45 minutes play the whole A4 album.... Of course both these situations are kind of impossible to happen.... booo hoo hoo....
on which song would you commit the suicide,sol?:) tough one,he...although regret would be the first candidate...
i on the other hand am new in metal and all, so i want little heaviness(blended with emotion).lets make them play the whole eternity instead! :spin:

the good son( interrupting the alternative dreams:grin: )
Originally posted by Don Corleone
a decent idea there, sol83.

by the way, does anybody else -besides me- like the new slayer album? i think it's top-notch.

yep, heard it few times..im not a huge slayer-fan, but yes, the new one rocks!! :Smokedev:
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Well, I was totally honoured to play that song live, and if Im not mistaken, Im the first person ever to sing it live !!! WWWooo

and singing it well!! though i haven't heard you guys live :( but this your ep proves a lot! :rock:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
a decent idea there, sol83.

by the way, does anybody else -besides me- like the new slayer album? i think it's top-notch.

I was drinking last saturday (what a revelation, huh?) at our usual place where the dj was selling his cd's (last night at work) at low price, so I picked up among others that new Slayer. I've listened to it now couple of times, and yes, that thing crushes! I can't yet pick up my favourite tracks, but at least the first one makes my head banging, shiiiiiiiiiit... :rock:
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Well, I was totally honoured to play that song live, and if Im not mistaken, Im the first person ever to sing it live !!! WWWooo

Well, judging by the ep (thank you stone! :notworthy ), you did it well. Now I'm even more sad I couldn't get to see you guys live :cry:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I was drinking last saturday (what a revelation, huh?) at our usual place where the dj was selling his cd's (last night at work) at low price, so I picked up among others that new Slayer. I've listened to it now couple of times, and yes, that thing crushes! I can't yet pick up my favourite tracks, but at least the first one makes my head banging, shiiiiiiiiiit... :rock:

i suggest you pay special attention to the track that also has its vidoe: bloodline. check out the lyrics, too. :rock: