6 acoustic tracks up for free download

Originally posted by Mariner
I may be wrong, but he dislikes more songs on A4...

why only Fragile Dreams and Empty at gigs, such a great album... :o

this was kinda obvious and became clearer too,when-to our surprise-we did listen to many "neglected"anathema songs,in the best possible atmosphere.these songs got the feeling they deserved.fullstop.
Just saw this last night and glad I did as I have now downloaded all the songs. Let me just say that this was a VERY damn cool thing to do for us fans and I think I speak for us all when I say I appreciate it. The sound quality is great to me and I found it pretty kick ass to hear Antimatter in an acoustic format with Danny playing. The Anathema songs sound great too! Cheers!
I decided to name it 'Antimatter' because it was rehearsals for the Antimatter gigs. Its more present Antimatter than present Anathema because all of the songs on there are written by Duncan or myself so the material you are listening to are compositions of 'Antimatter'. I didnt call it 'Mick and Danny' because that'd be preposterously ignorant of Duncan seeing as 4 of the 6 compositions are his.
Originally posted by Mick Moss
I decided to name it 'Antimatter' because it was rehearsals for the Antimatter gigs. Its more present Antimatter than present Anathema because all of the songs on there are written by Duncan or myself so the material you are listening to are compositions of 'Antimatter'. I didnt call it 'Mick and Danny' because that'd be preposterously ignorant of Duncan seeing as 4 of the 6 compositions are his.

fair enough mick.:) of course mick and danny is more of a walt disney labels....though it would be nice to have duncan playing on the tracks too...we'll settle for the live!:)
Originally posted by Strangelight
There'll be a quality live CD available soon along with the God Is Coming EP through the mighty Strangelight Records:cool:
Just heard a clip of the final remix. Well impressed I am

Can't wait........ :spin: