6 new Belladonna song samples


Feb 10, 2002
upstate new york
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There are 6 new Joey Belladonna song samples up on blabbermouth.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Is he serious? It defines the word "generic", it's THAT bad. It sounded like a mish mash of a bunch of forgettable 80s hard rock / metal. The MP3 samples are high bit rate so it wasn't low fidelity MP3 kbps that made it sound so amateur.....the production really is that piss poor. We're talking total low budget garage band recording here. Plus his band itself even sounds like a band from 1986 who have been playing for maybe a few weeks and need a lot more rehearsal time.
I wouldn't have put up sound samples if I were him. When your new album sounds this terrible, I think you're actually killing off any potential curiosity seekers who'd buy it wondering if it sounds like Madhouse or I Am The Law.
The new Belladonna album.....coming soon to a CD discount cut out bin near you. :ill:

This is all just my opinion of course. :p
Whoops.....I didn't notice this part before -

"features Belladonna on vocals and drums alongside songwriting partner Matt Zuber (ex-FUTURE DRIVEN), who is believed to have handled the rest of the instruments on the record."

Okay then, so it's a "band" of 2.
piss poor production is "In" and the best selling thing right now! think about "St. Anger", it's also low budget garage band recording.
Thrashard said:
piss poor production is "In" and the best selling thing right now! think about "St. Anger", it's also low budget garage band recording.
I disagree about poor production being "in" (popular).
Metallica sells a lot of albums no matter what. I don't know anyone who thinks the production on St. Anger sounds cool. St. Anger went platinum (1,000,000 in the U.S) in June during the 1st month of release. In the 3 months since then, it stalled in sales big time. This looks to be their worst selling new studio album since they got big in the 80s.
I think it's a safe bet that the album would have sold more up to this point if the word of mouth everywhere wasn't that the album sounds like shit.
i heard the samples this morning just by chance.
he sings out of tune and the music is plain boring. maybe him and spitz sould dosomething together...
It does sound like some watered down 1988 Power Metal as opposed to 1982-84 Power metal. Maybe he's stuck in a time warp? I don't see him pulling any fans away from Helloween anytime soon. I noticed is voice off-key too. I saw him sing drunk and off-key with Anthrax a couple of times come to think of it. :erk:
DarbysDad said:
It does sound like some watered down 1988 Power Metal as opposed to 1982-84 Power metal. Maybe he's stuck in a time warp? I don't see him pulling any fans away from Helloween anytime soon. I noticed is voice off-key too. I saw him sing drunk and off-key with Anthrax a couple of times come to think of it. :erk:
At a show I saw him at a couple of months ago, he claimed that he hadn't had a drink in 15 years. That would make his last drink in 1988. I find that hard to believe. I can't go a week without having a drink at least socially.
AlexStomp said:
At a show I saw him at a couple of months ago, he claimed that he hadn't had a drink in 15 years. That would make his last drink in 1988. I find that hard to believe. I can't go a week without having a drink at least socially.
I hear you. Plus I thought he was little off\buzzed at some the POT tour shows I saw. o_O
So maybe he should start drinking...to get his form back...tomorrow I gotta hear the songs, but I'm scared!